U.S. Particle Accelerator School
U.S. Particle Accelerator School
Education in Beam Physics and Accelerator Technology

Recirculating Linear Accelerators course

Sponsoring University:

University of Colorado at Boulder


Recirculating Linear Accelerators - course cancelled


Geoffrey Krafft and Lia Merminga, Jefferson Lab

In the first part of the course, we identify and review the main types of recirculating linear accelerators and describe specific examples of each, including microtrons, CEBAF-type accelerators, and energy-recovering linacs. We discuss single particle beam dynamics and analyze phase stability and longitudinal gymnastics in such accelerators. Next, beam loading is thoroughly discussed in the context of beam recirculation, followed by a derivation of the energy spread in such accelerators from bunch length and rf phase and amplitude errors. Analysis of possible single and multibunch collective effects follows, including discussions of beam breakup, coherent synchrotron radiation and longitudinal rf instabilities. A review of the major technological challenges regarding this type of accelerator follows. The course concludes with design examples of future applications such as linac-ring colliders and synchrotron and FEL light sources. Prerequisite: Accelerator Physics.