U.S. Particle Accelerator School
U.S. Particle Accelerator School
Education in Beam Physics and Accelerator Technology

Beam Delivery System and Interaction Region of a Linear Collider course

Sponsoring University:

Texas A&M University


Beam Delivery System and Interaction Region of a Linear Collider


Mauro Pivi and Andrei Seryi, SLAC and Nikolai Mokhov, Fermilab

Purpose and Audience
The purpose of this course is to introduce the students to the physics and technology of the Beam Delivery System (BDS) and Interaction Region (IR) of a Linear Collider (LC). This course is suitable for last year undergraduate students or students from other fields considering accelerator physics as a possible career. This course also can provide a broader background to engineers working in the field of the Linear Collider accelerator technology.

Courses in College Physics and first year Calculus.

This introductory course will focus on the fundamental principles of high-energy linear collider, and in particular on the beam physics and technologies affecting the BDS and IR design. Design of final focus optics and the interaction region, beam-beam effects and factors determining the background condition of the particle detector will be explored. On completion of this course, the students are expected to understand the basic functions and design criteria for BDS and IR including requirements of the particle detector.

Instructional Method
This course includes a series of lectures during morning sessions, followed by afternoon laboratory sessions. The laboratory sessions will introduce students to computer simulations of beam delivery and final focus beam optics, beam-beam effects and particle and matter interaction. The course will be dynamic and participants will be encouraged to participate in the ‘round-table’ discussions on the topics presented. The students will write a report on a subset of the lab studies. The course will also include problem sets to be solved in the after-session during the afternoon/evening.

Course Content
Introductory material will include discussions of fundamental issues affecting BDS design, synchrotron radiation, methods to compensate chromaticity and optimization of the final focus beam line. The interaction region design and machine detector interface will be discussed together with the physics of beam-beam interaction, beamstrahlung and pair production, radiation physics and machine background. Examples of modern accelerator facilities will be discussed as well as the status of the BDS and IR R&D.

Reading Requirements
Course notes will be provided by the instructors.

Credit Requirements
Students will be evaluated based on performance: final exam (40 % of final grade), homework assignments (40 % of final grade) computer/lab sessions (20 % of final grade).