U.S. Particle Accelerator School
U.S. Particle Accelerator School
Education in Beam Physics and Accelerator Technology

Accelerator Physics course

Sponsoring University:

University of New Mexico


Accelerator Physics


S.Y. Lee, Indiana University

Purpose and Audience
The audience for this course includes accelerator scientists as well as master and Ph.D. students working on accelerator physics and technology.

Electromagnetism and Classical Mechanics.

To understand particle motion, beam stability, and beam measurements in particle accelerators; and to understand design concepts of high performance accelerators.

Instructional Method
Lectures, computer labs, homework problems, and students working on assigned projects.

Course Content
This course is an introduction to the physics, technology, design, and operation of high energy particle accelerators. Topics include accelerator magnets, history and introduction of various types of particle accelerators, single particle transverse and longitudinal motion; emittance; effects of linear magnet errors; chromatic effects and their correction; effects of nonlinearities; basic beam manipulations; RF systems, diagnostic systems; and introduction to accelerator lattice design. Other topics such as synchrotron radiation excitation and damping; beam-beam interaction; collective effects and instabilities; linear accelerators will also be discussed. Computer labs will be included in our curriculum. Future prospective of high energy accelerators and colliders will also be discussed.
See the course website at http://physics.indiana.edu/~shylee/p570/

Reading Requirements
(to be provided by the USPAS) “Accelerator Physics” 2nd ed. by S.Y. Lee, (World Scientific Pub. Co, NY, 2004)

Credit Requirements
Students will be evaluated based on performance approximately as follows: homework assignments (40% of final grade), exams (30% of final grade), class project (30% of final grade).