U.S. Particle Accelerator School
U.S. Particle Accelerator School
America's National School of Accelerator Science and Technology

USPAS Code of Conduct


The purpose of this Code of Conduct is to establish and communicate the set of expectations that all members of the USPAS community shall follow when participating in our sessions or other functions. Disruptive or harassing behavior or discrimination will not be tolerated.


USPAS’s status as a national graduate program that provides training and workforce development in the science and technology of charged particle accelerators requires a community that promotes professionalism, mutual respect and is free from discrimination. USPAS welcomes a diverse populace with varying backgrounds and experiences including international members. USPAS expects that all community members will commit to the same high standards of ethics and behavior.


This Code applies to all members of the USPAS community: students, instructors, teaching assistants, graders and staff.
These expectations apply for all interactions including but not limited to:


The following basic principles apply to all members of the USPAS community:

1) Build trust and credibility

USPAS’s success depends on the trust and confidence we develop with one another and with our partners including the U.S. Department of Energy, USPAS collaboration institutions, universities and colleges and the global scientific community. We each are ambassadors of the USPAS. The USPAS’s reputation is determined by our words and our actions. We gain credibility by fulfilling our commitments and, when appropriate, acknowledging when we do not and taking responsibility for the consequences while seeking to rectify issues to address going forward.

2) Communicate openly and honestly

Every member of the USPAS community is welcome and encouraged to communicate their ideas and/or concerns. We seek to promote open communication which emphasizes listening, creativity, growth and development, and collaboration. This culture encourages respectful discussion and debate for mutual benefit.

3) Respect one another

Members of the USPAS community shall be able to work and study in a safe and welcoming environment where everyone is treated with dignity and respect. Peer-to-peer or student-instructor relationships that interfere with an individual’s research or performance, limit access to educational experiences and career opportunities or adversely impact an individual’s well-being are unacceptable.

Mutual respect is developed by:

4) Maintain high standards of academic integrity

Members of the USPAS community are expected to carry out their studies and teaching with the highest standards of academic integrity.  Assignments in our intensive school are often collaborative with students instructed to turn in their own work. Cheating and plagiarism will not be tolerated. Faculty are expected to report incidents of possible student cheating or plagiarism to the USPAS Office and/or Director so appropriate consequences can be set.  Students who violate USPAS policy associated with cheating or plagiarism will be subject to sanctions that may include receiving a severely reduced or failing grade, expulsion, repayment of scholarship funds, and a ban from participating in future USPAS sessions.  Cheating and plagiarism can include the following:


All members of the USPAS community are responsible for reporting violations of applicable policies, ethical standards, and laws. You are encouraged to raise concerns about any violation of this Code of Conduct. Confidentiality shall be maintained, and reporting should proceed without fear of harassment or retribution. All are encouraged to contact the USPAS Director or staff at 630-840-3896 or uspas@fnal.gov with issues or concerns. USPAS leadership is committed to addressing all incidents promptly and thoroughly. Violations can result in disciplinary action and/or expulsion.


Responsibility for reviewing, updating and communicating changes to this policy rests with the U.S. Particle Accelerator School.

Review cycle

This policy is to be reviewed at least every five years.