We have not received enough cancellations to reopen this session. Our classes are still full and so are our waiting lists. We hope to open applications for our summer 2025 session in February. We apologize for the inconvenience.
Knoxville, Tennessee, USA January 27 - February 7, 2025
Deadline Dates:
Application deadline for all attendees and deadline for scholarship supporting documents: October 1, 2024
The following courses run in parallel so students may take one 2-week full course OR two 1-week half courses. Each two-week course is eligible for 3 units of credit from Michigan State University.
Two-week full courses: January 27 - February 7, 2025
Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab(undergrad level) Instructors: Simon C. Leemann, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab; Thomas Schietinger, Paul Scherrer Institute; Ryan Lindberg, Argonne National Lab TA: Liam Pocher, University of Maryland; John Rogers, National MagLab; John Wieland, Michigan State University This class is full.
Accelerator Physics Instructors: S. Alex Bogacz, Jefferson Lab; Geoff Krafft, Old Dominion University and Jefferson Lab;
Subashini De Silva, Old Dominion University and Isurumali Neththikumara, Jefferson Lab Grader: Cannon Coats, Texas A&M University This class is full.
RF Superconductivity for Particle Accelerators Instructors: Sergey Belomestnykh, Fermilab; Silvia Verdu Andres and Paolo Berrutti, Brookhaven National Lab TA: Vijay Chouhan, Fermilab This class is full.
One-week half courses: Students must take two 1-week half course pairs to be eligible for 3 units of credit from Michigan State University. Credit will not be awarded for taking only one 1-week half course.
Colliders for High Energy and Nuclear Physics Instructors: Vladimir Shiltsev, Northern Illinois University and Vadim Ptitsyn and Chuyu Liu, Brookhaven National Lab This class is full.
Accelerator Power Electronics Engineering Instructors: James Sebek, SLAC National Accelerator Lab; Paul Bellomo, ret. SLAC National Accelerator Lab (remote); Yugang Tan, Oak Ridge National Lab TA: Jared Walden, SNS Oak Ridge National Lab This class is full.
Superconducting Accelerator Magnets Instructors: Paolo Ferracin, Maxim Marchevsky and Soren Prestemon, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab; Ezio Todesco, CERN (remote) TAs: Marek Mosat and Yufan Yan, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab This class is full.
Week two: February 3 - 7, 2025
Strategic Management of Research Labs Instructors: William Barletta, MIT; Mei Bai, SLAC National Accelerator Lab; Robert Zwaska, Fermilab TA: Michael Geelhoed, Fermilab This class is full.
Optimization and Machine Learning for Accelerators Instructors: Remi Lehe, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab; Auralee Edelen and Ryan Roussel, SLAC National Accelerator Lab Grader: J.P. Gonzalez Aguilera, University of Chicago; River Robles, Stanford University/SLAC This class is full.
Pulsed Power Engineering Instructors: Craig Burkhart, SLAC National Accelerator Lab; William Waldron, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab; Chris C. Jensen, Fermilab TA: Jared Walden, SNS Oak Ridge National Lab Guest Lecturers: Tony Beukers, SLAC National Accelerator Lab; Chris Pappas, SNS Oak Ridge National Lab (retired); and Jared Walden, SNS Oak Ridge National Lab This class is full.
Cryogenic Engineering Instructors: John Weisend, European Spallation Source; Grzegorz Tatkowski and Ram Dhuley, Fermilab
This class is full.
We will not have a Computer Lab with shared PCs so all participants are required to bring their own portable computer to access online course notes and computer resources. This can be a laptop or a tablet with a sufficiently large screen and keyboard. Windows, Mac, and Linux-based systems that are wifi capable and have a standard web browser and mouse are all acceptable. You should have privileges for software installs. If you are unable to bring a computer, please contact uspas@fnal.gov ASAP to request a laptop loan. Very limited IT support and spare loaner laptops will be available during the session.
U.S. citizens and non-U.S. citizens living in the U.S. may enroll for 3 units of graduate credit from Michigan State University. International participants living outside the U.S. may apply to attend the program and may request financial sponsorship but they may not earn credit from Michigan State University. International students requesting a scholarship who are not from U.S. visa-waiver countries must already be in possession of a visa that is valid for the entire period of the USPAS session.
Attendees must be 18 years or older.
The Registration Fee is $2,000.00 if your Application Form is received before October 1, 2024; after October 1, the fee is $2,500.00. The Registration Fee is $1,000.00 for participants attending only one week of the program. Please note: you do not have to pay the Registration Fee by October 1, 2024 - you must send in an Application Form before October 1. Information on how and when to pay the Registration Fee will be sent to non-scholarship students upon acceptance into the program. Group breakfasts and dinners are included in the Registration Fee.
A group block of hotel rooms will be available at the FY2025 U.S. federal government hotel per diem rate for Knoxville. A single room will be available for $119.00 plus tax (currently 17.25%) and a double room (shared by 2 people) will be $59.50 plus tax (currently 17.25%) per person per night. Sleeping rooms reserved via the link we email to you are also entitled to free sleeping room wifi access. Rooms may be reserved at our rate 3 days before and 3 days after the School dates based on hotel availability.
The USPAS provides breakfasts and dinners to students and teaching teams during the dates of the school. Please see General Information for more details
Application deadline for all attendees and deadline for scholarship supporting documents: October 1, 2024
Please email your scholarship documents to uspas@fnal.gov