Northern Illinois University
Accelerator Physics
Georg Hoffstaetter de Torquat, Cornell University and Brookhaven National Lab; David Sagan, Cornell University
Purpose and Audience
The purpose of this course is to introduce the students to the physics, technology, and the simulation of charged particle accelerators. This course is suitable for graduate students or senior-level year undergraduate students from the physical sciences or engineering. This course can provide a broader background to engineers and technicians already working in the field of accelerator science and technology.
Courses in classical mechanics with special relativity and the Hamiltonian formulation of dynamics, electrodynamics, applied mathematics, and physical or engineering mathematics, all at entrance graduate or advanced undergraduate level are required. Prior familiarity with Accelerator Science and Technology at the level of the USPAS course "Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab" or equivalent experience is also a prerequisite.
It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that they meet the course prerequisites or have equivalent experience.
Accelerator Physics has applications in particle accelerators from high energy physics to x-ray science, in spectrometers, in electron microscopes, and in lithographic devices. These instruments have become so complex that an empirical approach to properties of the particle beams is by no means sufficient and a detailed theoretical understanding is necessary. This course will introduce students into theoretical aspects of charged particle beams and into the technology used for their acceleration, focusing, control, and for measurement of their properties. Students will learn the function of the most relevant accelerator components, will investigate how to measure relevant quantities characterizing beams, and will understand the physical principle of many beam-dynamical effects in particle accelerators. The accelerator and beam-dynamics simulation library Bmad will be used to practice the design of accelerators and the simulation of particle transport.
Instructional Method
This course is based on lectures in the morning and supervised training tutorials in the afternoons. Daily homework sets will be completed by the students after lectures. Instructors and teaching assistants will be available during the evenings to help with the homework sets. The accelerator simulation toolkit Bmad will be used during homework sessions. An in-class final exam concludes the course. Notes of the material that will be presented will be made available on the web each day. Supplementary reading material is listed below.
Course Content
Reading Requirements
(to be provided by the USPAS) "Particle Accelerator Physics", (fourth edition) by Helmut Wiedemann, Springer, 2015. Students can also prepare by reviewing materials from the instructor in a previous version of the course:
Credit Requirements
Students will be evaluated based on performance: final exam (40 % of final grade), homework assignments (60 % of final grade).
USPAS Computer Requirements
There will be no Computer Lab and all participants are required to bring their own portable computer to access online course notes and computer resources. This can be a laptop or a tablet with a sufficiently large screen and keyboard. Windows, Mac, and Linux-based systems that are wifi capable and have a standard web browser and mouse are all acceptable. You should have privileges for software installs. If you are unable to bring a computer, please contact ASAP to request a laptop loan. Very limited IT support and spare loaner laptops will be available during the session.
NIU course number: PHYS 790D Special Topics in Physics - Beam Physics
Indiana University course number: Physics 570, Introduction to Accelerator Physics
MIT course number: 8.790, Accelerator Physics