Year | Subject | Course | Instructor(s) | Course Materials |
2025 January | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | S. Alex Bogacz, Geoff Krafft, Subashini De Silva and Isurumali Neththikumara | Materials |
2025 January | Engineering and Technology | Accelerator Power Electronics Engineering | James Sebek, Paul Bellomo and Yugang Tan | Materials |
2025 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Collider Interaction Regions for High Energy and Nuclear Physics Applications | Michael Sullivan, Yulia Furletova, Dali Georgobiani and Nikolai Mokhov | |
2025 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Colliders for High Energy and Nuclear Physics | Vladimir Shiltsev, Vadim Ptitsyn and Chuyu Liu | Materials |
2025 January | Engineering and Technology | Cryogenic Engineering | John Weisend, Grzegorz Tatkowski and Ram Dhuley | Materials |
2025 January | Accelerator Fundamentals | Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab | Simon C. Leemann, Thomas Schietinger and Ryan Lindberg | Materials |
2025 January | Computational Modeling and Mathematical Methods | Optimization and Machine Learning for Accelerators | Remi Lehe, Auralee Edelen and Ryan Roussel | Materials |
2025 January | Management | Project Management for Scientists and Engineers | Kem Robinson, Michael Geelhoed and Kasey Lund | |
2025 January | Engineering and Technology | Pulsed Power Engineering | Craig Burkhart, William Waldron and Chris C. Jensen | Materials |
2025 January | Computational Modeling and Mathematical Methods | Python Programming and Applications for Accelerator Science and Engineering | Jeff Eldred and Adam Watts | |
2025 January | RF Technology | RF Superconductivity for Particle Accelerators | Sergey Belomestnykh, Silvia Verdu Andres and Paolo Berrutti | Materials |
2025 January | Management | Strategic Management of Research Labs | William Barletta, Mei Bai and Robert Zwaska | |
2025 January | Magnetic / Electric Optics and Undulators / Wigglers | Superconducting Accelerator Magnets | Paolo Ferracin, Maxim Marchevsky, Soren Prestemon and Ezio Todesco | Materials |
2024 July | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | Steven Lund, Yue Hao and KyungRyun (Kilean) Hwang | Materials |
2024 July | Accelerator Fundamentals | Concepts of Accelerator Science and Technology | Elvin Harms and Steven Boi | |
2024 July | Engineering and Technology | Engineering for Accelerators | Vyacheslav Yakovlev, Thomas Nicol, Timergali Khabiboulline and Miao Yu | Materials |
2024 July | Accelerator Fundamentals | Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab | Eric Prebys, Chuyu Liu and Brian Beaudoin | Materials |
2024 July | Beam Sources | Fundamentals of Ion Sources | Guillaume Machicoane, Alain Lapierre and Damon Todd | |
2024 July | Targets and Beam Dumps | High Power Targets for Accelerators | Patrick Hurh, Kavin Ammigan, Kevin Lynch, Matthew Quinn, David McClintock and Drew Winder | |
2024 July | Accelerator Systems / Design | Injection and Extraction of Beams | Uli Wienands and Joseph Calvey | Materials |
2024 July | Magnetic / Electric Optics and Undulators / Wigglers | Magnetic Systems for Accelerators, Detectors and Insertion Devices | Ross Schlueter, Diego Arbelaez and Soren Prestemon | |
2024 July | Targets and Beam Dumps | Neutrino Beams | Robert Zwaska, Sudeshna Ganguly and Laura Fields | |
2024 July | Accelerator Systems / Design | Practical Lattice Design | Alex Bogacz, Cedric Hernalsteens and Marion Vanwelde | Materials |
2024 July | Accelerator Systems / Design | Proton and Ion Linear Accelerators | Yuri Batygin, Sergey Kurennoy and Vyacheslav Yakovlev | Materials |
2024 July | Synchrotron / EM Radiation, FELS | VUV and X-ray Free Electron Lasers | Dinh Nguyen, Chris Mayes and Nicole Neveu | Materials |
2024 January | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | Stephen Peggs and Todd Satogata | Materials |
2024 January | Diagnostics and Controls | Beam-Based Diagnostics | Christoph Steier, Thorsten Hellert and Xiaobiao Huang | |
2024 January | Classical Mechanics and Electromagnetism | Classical Mechanics and Electromagnetism in Accelerator Physics | Xiaobiao Huang, Steve Lund, Yongjun Li and Jeffrey Eldred | |
2024 January | Diagnostics and Controls | Control Room Accelerator Physics | Alexander Zhukov, Andrei Shishlo and Brandon Cathey | |
2024 January | Diagnostics and Controls | Design and Engineering of Modern Beam Diagnostics | Manfred Wendt, Silvia Zorzetti and Randy Thurman-Keup | Materials |
2024 January | Accelerator Fundamentals | Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab | Kiersten Ruisard, Nicholas Evans, Carrie Elliott, Stephanie Thomas, Amber Johnson and Patrick Karns | |
2024 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Microwave Electron Accelerators | David Whittum and Massimo Dal Forno | |
2024 January | RF Technology | Microwave Measurements and Beam Instrumentation Laboratory at Jefferson Lab | Tom Powers, John Musson, Tomasz Plawski, Robert Rimmer and Haipeng Wang | |
2024 January | RF Technology | Microwave Sources | Bruce Carlsten, Steven Russell, Haoran Xu and Kip Bishofberger | |
2024 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Principles of Superconducting Linear Accelerators | Sang-ho Kim and Marc Doleans | |
2023 June | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | Georg Hoffstaetter de Torquat and David Sagan | |
2023 June | Accelerator Fundamentals | Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab | Eric Prebys, Elvin Harm, Nino Chelidze and Amber Johnson | |
2023 June | Engineering and Technology | Laser Physics and Engineering for Accelerator Applications | Shukui Zhang, Sergio Carbajo and Patrick Inacker | |
2023 June | Engineering and Technology | Mechanical Alignment | Georg Gassner and Michael Gaydosh | |
2023 June | RF Technology | Microwave Measurements and Beam Instrumentation Laboratory | Lawrence Doolittle, Gang Huang, Tianhuan Luo, Yilun Xu, Shreeharshini Dharanesh Murthy and Wencan Xu | |
2023 June | Magnetic / Electric Optics and Undulators / Wigglers | Physics and Engineering of Rings and Undulators for FELs and Light Sources | Timur Shaftan and Oleg Chubar | |
2023 June | RF Technology | RF Cavity, Component and System for Accelerators | Alireza Nassiri, Geoff Waldschmidt, Yawei Yang and Branko Popovic | |
2023 June | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Unifying Physics of Accelerators, Lasers and Plasma – Synergy and Bridges | Andrei Seryi and Marlene Turner | |
2023 June | Engineering and Technology | Vacuum Science and Technology for Particle Accelerators | Yulin Li and Xianhong Liu | |
2023 June | Engineering and Technology | Vibrational Aspects of Accelerators | Jeremiah Holzbauer, Paolo Neri and Adam Wixson | |
2023 January | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | Emilio Nanni and Samantha Lewis | |
2023 January | RF Technology | Applied Electromagnetism: Magnet and RF Cavity Design | Jeremiah Holzbauer, Karie Badgley, Paolo Berrutti and Brendan Kiburg | |
2023 January | Safety, Radiation Management, and Machine Protection | Beam Loss and Machine Protection | Rudiger Schmidt, Jorg Wenninger, Doug Curry, Charles Peters, Louis Emery, Maxim Marchevsky, Kajetan Fuchsberger, William Barletta, Andrea Apollonio and Alessandro Bertarelli | Materials |
2023 January | Accelerator Fundamentals | Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab | Simon C. Leemann, Fernando Sannibale, Stefano DeSantis, Thomas Schietinger | Materials |
2023 January | Engineering and Technology | Fundamentals of Timing and Synchronization with Applications to Accelerators | Russell Wilcox, Gang Huang, Tong Zhou, Yilun Xu and Siyun Chen | |
2023 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Hadron Beam Cooling in Particle Accelerators | Vladimir Litvinenko, Irina Petrushina, Yichao Jing and Jun Ma | |
2023 January | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Integrable Particle Dynamics in Accelerators | Timofey Zolkin and Jeff Eldred | |
2023 January | RF Technology | Introduction to Digital Low-Level Radio Frequency Controls in Accelerators | Larry Doolittle, Qiang Du and Carlos Serrano | |
2023 January | Diagnostics and Controls | Measurement and Control of Charged Particle Beams | Michiko Minty, Frank Zimmermann, Jonathan Edelen and Leon Van Riesen-Haupt | |
2023 January | Safety, Radiation Management, and Machine Protection | Radiation Physics, Regulation and Management | Matthew Quinn and Diane Reitzner | |
2023 January | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Wakefields and Collective Beam Instabilities | Gennady Stupakov, Ryan Lindberg and Boris Podobedov | |
2022 June | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | Yue Hao, Yichao Jing and Tianhuan Luo | |
2022 June | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Beam Physics with Intense Space Charge | Steven Lund, John Barnard, Arun Persaud and Daniel Winklehner | Materials |
2022 June | Engineering and Technology | Cryogenic Process Engineering | Pete Knudsen and Nusair Hasan | |
2022 June | Accelerator Fundamentals | Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab | Pavel Snopok, Onur Gilanliogullari, Sarah Weatherly, Diktys Stratakis, Elvin Harms, Xueying Lu, Kiersten Ruisard, Fanglei Lin, Vasiliy Morozov, Brian Beaudoin, Amber Johnson and Nicole Neveu | Materials |
2022 June | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Particle Driven Plasma Wakefield Accelerators | Michael Litos and Spencer Gessner | Materials |
2022 June | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Plasma-Based Acceleration | Alec Thomas, Qian Qian, Navid Vafaei-Najafabadi, Jiayang Yan and Warren Mori | Materials |
2022 June | RF Technology | RF Superconductivity for Particle Accelerators | Sergey Belomestnykh, Sam Posen, Irina Petrushina and Silvia Verdu Andres | Materials |
2022 June | Magnetic / Electric Optics and Undulators / Wigglers | Superconducting Accelerator Magnets | Paolo Ferracin, Maxim Marchevsky and Ezio Todesco | Materials |
2022 June | Synchrotron / EM Radiation, FELS | Synchrotron Radiation and Free Electron Lasers for Bright X-Rays | Ryan Lindberg, Kwang-Je Kim and Zhirong Huang | |
2022 January | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | Alex Bogacz and Geoff Krafft | |
2022 January | Engineering and Technology | Accelerator Power Electronics Engineering | James Sebek, Paul Bellomo and Yugang Tan | Materials |
2022 January | Diagnostics and Controls | Beam Measurements and Diagnostics on an Electron Storage Ring | Ying K. Wu, Jun Yan and Hao Hao | |
2022 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Collider Interaction Regions for High Energy and Nuclear Physics Applications | Nikolai Mokhov, Michael Sullivan and Yulia Furletova | |
2022 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Colliders for High Energy and Nuclear Physics | Vladimir Shiltsev, Valeri Lebedev and Nikolai Mokhov | |
2022 January | Diagnostics and Controls | EPICS Control Systems | Kay Kasemir, Matthew Pearson, Klemen Vodopivec and Brad Webb | Materials |
2022 January | Accelerator Fundamentals | Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab | Eric Prebys, Elvin Harms, Kiersten Ruisard, Nick Evans, Fanglei Lin, Vasiliy Morozov, Brian Beaudoin, Amber Johnson and Steve Lund | |
2022 January | Computational Modeling and Mathematical Methods | MATLAB and Python for Beam and Accelerator Physics | Dan Green, Jeff Eldred and Adam Watts | |
2022 January | Computational Modeling and Mathematical Methods | Optimization and Machine Learning for Accelerators | Remi Lehe, Auralee Edelen, Christopher Mayes, Ryan Roussel and Adi Hanuka | Materials |
2022 January | Engineering and Technology | Pulsed Power Engineering | Craig Burkhart, Tony Beukers, David Anderson, Chris Pappas, Jared Walden and William Waldron | |
2021 June | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | Steven Lund, Yue Hao, Yichao Jing, and Jonathan Wong | Materials |
2021 June | Engineering and Technology | Cryogenic Engineering | John Weisend, Ram Dhuley and Grzegorz Tatkowski | Materials |
2021 June | Accelerator Systems / Design | Cyclotrons: Beam Dynamics and Design | Rick Baartman, Thomas Planche, Paul Jung and Philippe Belanger | Materials |
2021 June | Accelerator Fundamentals | Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab | Louis Emery, Elvin Harms, Sarah Cousineau, Nick Evans, Kiersten Ruisard, Alexander Zhukov, Medani Sangroula and Levon Dovlatyan | |
2021 June | Applications of Accelerators | Industrial Applications of Accelerators | William Barletta | |
2021 June | Computational Modeling and Mathematical Methods | Optimization and Machine Learning for Accelerators | Remi Lehe, Auralee Edelen, Adi Hanuka, Christopher Mayes and Ryan Roussel | |
2021 June | Accelerator Systems / Design | Practical Issues in Cyclotron Design and Construction | Tim Koeth, Brian Beaudoin and Amber Johnson | |
2021 June | Accelerator Systems / Design | Proton and Ion Linear Accelerators | Yuri Batygin, Tyler Fronk, Dmitry Gorelov, Sergey Kurennoy, Vyacheslav Yakovlev | Materials |
2021 June | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Spin Dynamics in Particle Accelerators | Francois Meot, Haixin Huang, Vadim Ptitsyn and Fanglei Lin | Materials |
2021 January | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | Stephen Peggs and Todd Satogata | Materials |
2021 January | Classical Mechanics and Electromagnetism | Classical Mechanics and Electromagnetism in Accelerator Physics | Jeffrey Eldred and Xiaobiao Huang | Materials |
2021 January | Accelerator Fundamentals | Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab | Eric Prebys, Sarah Cousineau, Nick Evans, Kiersten Ruisard, Alexander Zhukov and Elvin Harms | |
2021 January | Management | Project Management for Scientists and Engineers | Kem Robinson | |
2021 January | Management | Strategic Management of Research Labs | William Barletta and Mei Bai | |
2021 January | Synchrotron / EM Radiation, FELS | VUV and X-ray Free Electron Lasers | Dinh Nguyen, Petr Anisimov and Nicole Neveu | Materials |
2020 January | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | Alex Bogacz, Geoffrey Krafft, Suba DeSilva and Bhawin Dhital | Materials |
2020 January | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Beam Physics with Intense Space Charge | Steven Lund, John Barnard and Arun Persaud | Materials |
2020 January | Engineering and Technology | Engineering for Particle Accelerators | Vyacheslav Yakovlev, Thomas Nicol, Timergali Khabiboulline and Vladimir Kashikhin | Materials |
2020 January | Accelerator Fundamentals | Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab | Louis Emery, John Power, Kent Wootton, Osama Mohsen, Levon Dovlatyan and Heidi Komkov | Materials |
2020 January | Beam Sources | High Brightness Electron Injectors and Applications | Daniele Filippetto, Chad Mitchell and Pietro Musumeci | |
2020 January | Magnetic / Electric Optics and Undulators / Wigglers | Magnetic Systems for Accelerators, Detectors and Insertion Devices | Ross Schlueter, Diego Arbelaez and Soren Prestemon | |
2020 January | RF Technology | Microwave Measurements and Beam Instrumentation Laboratory | Derun Li, Lawrence Doolittle, Gang Huang, Tianhuan Luo and Stefano DeSantis | |
2020 January | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Particle Driven Wakefield Accelerators | James Rosenzweig, Michael Litos and Spencer Gessner | Materials |
2020 January | Beam Sources | Photocathode Physics | Ivan Bazarov, Jared Maxson and Sid Karkare | |
2020 January | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Plasma-Based Acceleration | Warren Mori, Alec Thomas and Navid Vafaei-Najafabadi | |
2020 January | RF Technology | RF Cavity, Component and System for Accelerators | Alireza Nassiri, Geoff Waldschmidt and Yawei Yang | |
2019 June | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | Tianhuan Luo, Yichao Jing, S.Y. Lee and Dan Wang | |
2019 June | Engineering and Technology | Accelerator Power Electronics Engineering | Paul Bellomo and James Sebek | Materials |
2019 June | Diagnostics and Controls | Control Room Accelerator Physics | Alexander Zhukov, Andrei Shishlo and Brandon Cathey | |
2019 June | Engineering and Technology | Cryogenic Engineering | Tom Peterson and John Weisend | Materials |
2019 June | Accelerator Fundamentals | Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab | Pavel Snopok, Linda Spentzouris, Nicole Neveu, Josiah Kunz, Tanaz Mohayai, Bob Zwaska and Elvin Harms | Materials |
2019 June | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Induction Accelerators | Yu-Jiuan Chen, Nataniel J. Pogue, Josh Coleman and Will Waldron | Materials |
2019 June | RF Technology | Microwave Sources | Bruce Carlsten and Steven Russell | |
2019 June | Accelerator Systems / Design | Proton and Ion Linear Accelerators | Yuri Batygin and Sergey Kurennoy | Materials |
2019 June | Engineering and Technology | Pulsed Power Engineering | Craig Burkhart and Mark Kemp | Materials |
2019 June | Synchrotron / EM Radiation, FELS | Synchrotron Radiation and Free Electron Lasers for Bright X-Rays | Kwang-Je Kim, Zhirong Huang and Ryan Lindberg | |
2019 June | Safety, Radiation Management, and Machine Protection | The Effect of Radiation on Electronics and Materials | Tim Koeth, Amber Johnson, Brian Beaudoin and Heather Quinn | Materials |
2019 June | Engineering and Technology | Vacuum Science and Technology for Particle Accelerators | Yulin Li and Xianghong Liu | Materials |
2019 January | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | Stephen Peggs and Todd Satogata | Materials |
2019 January | RF Technology | Applied Electromagnetism: Magnet and RF Cavity Design | Jeremiah Holzbauer, Karie Badgley and Paolo Berrutti | Materials |
2019 January | Diagnostics and Controls | Beam-Based Diagnostics | Christoph Steier, James Safranek and Xiaobiao Huang | Materials |
2019 January | Diagnostics and Controls | Design and Engineering of Modern Beam Diagnostics | Manfred Wendt, Silvia Zorzetti and Randy Thurman-Keup | Materials |
2019 January | Diagnostics and Controls | EPICS Control Systems | Kay Kasemir, John Sinclair and Klemen Vodopivec | Materials |
2019 January | Accelerator Fundamentals | Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab | Sarah Cousineau, Jeff Holmes, Nick Evans and Kiersten Ruisard | |
2019 January | Targets and Beam Dumps | High Power Targets for Accelerators | Bernie Riemer, Drew Winder, Erik Iverson, Franz Gallmeier, Pat Hurh and Kavin Ammigan | |
2019 January | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Integrable Particle Dynamics in Accelerators | Sergei Nagaitsev and Timofey Zolkin | Materials |
2019 January | Targets and Beam Dumps | Neutrino Beams | Bob Zwaska and Laura Fields | Materials |
2019 January | Magnetic / Electric Optics and Undulators / Wigglers | Physics and Engineering of Undulators for Storage Ring and FEL Light Sources | Efim Gluskin and Vadim Sajaev | |
2019 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Principles of Superconducting Linear Accelerators | Sang-Ho Kim and Marc Doleans | |
2019 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Storage Rings for Precision Physics Applications -- Muon g-2 | Michael Syphers, Diktys Stratakis and David Rubin | Materials |
2019 January | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Wakefields and Collective Beam Instabilities | Gennady Stupakov and Panagiotis Baxevanis | Materials |
2018 June | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | Steven Lund and Yue Hao | Materials |
2018 June | Classical Mechanics and Electromagnetism | Classical Mechanics and Electromagnetism | Jeff Eldred, Jayakar "Charles" Thangaraj and Stephen Webb | Materials |
2018 June | Engineering and Technology | Cryogenic Process Engineering | VenkataRao Ganni and Pete Knudsen | |
2018 June | Traps, Beam Stopping, and Electron Microscopy and Diffraction | Femtosecond Electron Sources for Ultrafast Sciences | Chong-Yu Ruan and Phil Duxbury | |
2018 June | Accelerator Fundamentals | Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab | Eric Prebys, Elvin Harms and Amber Johnson | Materials |
2018 June | Beam Sources | Fundamentals of Ion Sources | Guillaume Machicoane, Daniela Leitner, Daniel Winklehner and Alain Lapierre | |
2018 June | Applications of Accelerators | Industrial Applications of Accelerators | William Barletta, Cathy Cutler and Erik Hosler | |
2018 June | Safety, Radiation Management, and Machine Protection | Radiation Physics, Regulation and Management | J. Donald Cossairt and Matthew Quinn | Materials |
2018 June | Magnetic / Electric Optics and Undulators / Wigglers | Superconducting Accelerator Magnets | Soren Prestemon and Stephen Gourlay | Materials |
2018 January | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Advanced Accelerator Physics | Alexander Chao and Xiaobiao Huang | |
2018 January | Diagnostics and Controls | Control Theory with Applications to Accelerators and RF Systems | Claudio Rivetta | |
2018 January | Accelerator Fundamentals | Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab | Michael Syphers and Elvin Harms | Materials |
2018 January | RF Technology | High Gradient RF Structures | Sami Tantawi and Evgenya Simakov | Materials |
2018 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Microwave Electron Accelerators | David Whittum and Rich Kowalczyk | |
2018 January | RF Technology | Microwave Measurements and Beam Instrumentation at Jefferson Lab | Frank Marhauser, John Musson, Tomasz Plawski, Tom Powers and Haipeng Wang | Materials |
2018 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Practical Lattice Design | Alex Bogacz and Dario Pellegrini | Materials |
2018 January | Management | Project Management for Scientists and Engineers | Kem Robinson and Dianna Jacobs | |
2018 January | Computational Modeling and Mathematical Methods | Simulation of Beam and Plasma Systems | Steven Lund, David Bruhwiler, Remi Lehe, Jean-Luc Vay and Daniel Winklehner | Materials |
2018 January | Management | Strategic Management of Research Labs | William Barletta and Luisella Lari | |
2017 June | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | Xiaobiao Huang, Xiaoying Pang and Sergei Kurennoy | Materials |
2017 June | Engineering and Technology | Accelerator Power Electronics Engineering | Paul Bellomo and James Sebek | Materials |
2017 June | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Beam Physics with Intense Space Charge | Steven Lund and John Barnard | Materials |
2017 June | Accelerator Systems / Design | Diffraction Limited Storage Rings | Yunhai Cai | Materials |
2017 June | Engineering and Technology | Engineering for Particle Accelerators | Vyacheslav Yakovlev, Thomas Nicol, Timergali Khabiboulline and Vladimir Kashikhin | Materials |
2017 June | Accelerator Fundamentals | Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab | William Barletta, Linda Spentzouris, Elvin Harms and Amber Johnson | |
2017 June | Accelerator Systems / Design | Injection and Extraction of Beams | Uli Wienands and Eduardo Marin Lacoma | Materials |
2017 June | Diagnostics and Controls | Measurement and Control of Charged Particle Beams | Michiko Minty and Frank Zimmermann | |
2017 June | Engineering and Technology | Pulsed Power Engineering | Mark Kemp and James Sebek | |
2017 June | RF Technology | RF Superconductivity for Particle Accelerators | Sergey Belomestnykh and Alexander Romanenko | Materials |
2017 June | Engineering and Technology | Vibrational Aspects of Accelerators | Michael McGee, Warren Schappert and Jeremiah Holzbauer | |
2017 January | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | Todd Satogata | Materials |
2017 January | Safety, Radiation Management, and Machine Protection | Beam Loss and Machine Protection | Rudiger Schmidt, Jorg Wenninger, Doug Curry, William Barletta, Maxim Marchevsky and John Seeman | Materials |
2017 January | Engineering and Technology | Cryogenic Engineering | Tom Peterson and John Weisend | Materials |
2017 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Cyclotrons and Their Design | Timothy Koeth, Brian Beaudoin, Kiersten Ruisard and Spencer Hartman | |
2017 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Design of Storage Rings | Steve Peggs and Malek Haj Tahar | |
2017 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Electrostatic Storage Rings | Richard Talman | Report |
2017 January | Accelerator Fundamentals | Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab | Sarah Cousineau, Jeff Holmes and Nicholas Evans | |
2017 January | Engineering and Technology | Fundamentals of Timing and Synchronization with Applications to Accelerators | Russell Wilcox and Gang Huang | |
2017 January | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Integrable Particle Dynamics in Accelerators | Sergei Nagaitsev and Timofey Zolkin | |
2017 January | RF Technology | Introduction to Low-Level Radio Frequency Systems, Technology and Applications to Particle Accelerators | John Fox and Claudio Rivetta | Materials |
2017 January | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Laser Plasma Accelerators | Carl Schroeder, Eric Esarey, Stepan Bulanov and Carlo Benedetti | |
2017 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Proton and Ion Linear Accelerators | Yuri Batygin and Peter Ostroumov | |
2017 January | Engineering and Technology | Vacuum Science and Technology for Accelerator Vacuum Systems | Yulin Li and Xianghong Liu | |
2016 June | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | Alex Bogacz and Geoffrey Krafft | Materials |
2016 June | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Collective Instabilities | Alexander Chao, Gennady Stupakov and Cedric Hernalsteens | |
2016 June | Accelerator Fundamentals | Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab | Eric Prebys and Elvin Harms | Materials |
2016 June | Detector Physics and Technology | High-Energy Physics Principles and Instrumentation | Norman Buchanan, John Harton, Walter Toki and Robert Wilson | |
2016 June | Applications of Accelerators | Industrial Applications of Accelerators | William Barletta, Erik Hosler and Suzanne Lapi | |
2016 June | Engineering and Technology | Laser Principles and Devices | Jorge Rocca, Mario Marconi, Carmen Menoni and Shukui Zhang | |
2016 June | RF Technology | Microwave Measurements and Beam Instrumentation Laboratory | John Byrd, Stefano DeSantis, Tianhuan Luo, Yawei Yang, Sandra Biedron and Stephen Milton | |
2016 June | RF Technology | Microwave Sources | Bruce Carlsten, Kim Nichols and Steve Russell | |
2016 June | Computational Modeling and Mathematical Methods | Self-Consistent Simulations of Beam and Plasma Systems | Steven Lund, Jean-Luc Vay, Remi Lehe and Daniel Winklehner | Materials |
2016 June | Synchrotron / EM Radiation, FELS | Synchrotron Radiation and Free Electron Lasers for Bright X-Rays | Kwang-Je Kim, Zhirong Huang and Ryan Lindberg | |
2016 June | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Unifying Physics of Accelerators, Lasers and Plasma Synergy and Bridges | Andrei Seryi | Materials |
2016 January | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics Using Maple | Uli Wienands and Eduardo Marin Lacoma | Materials |
2016 January | RF Technology | Applied Electromagnetism: Magnet and RF Cavity Design | Mau Lopes and Jeremiah Holzbauer | Materials |
2016 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Beam by Design: Advanced Manipulation of Relativistic Electrons with Lasers | Gennady Stupakov and Erik Hemsing | |
2016 January | Classical Mechanics and Electromagnetism | Classical Mechanics and Electromagnetism for Accelerators | Gregg Penn | Materials |
2016 January | Beam Sources | Electron Injectors for 4th Generation Light Sources | Fernando Sannibale, Daniele Filippetto and Chad Mitchell | Materials |
2016 January | Accelerator Fundamentals | Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab | Michael Syphers and Alfonse Pham | |
2016 January | Beam Sources | Fundamentals of Ion Sources | Daniela Leitner, Damon Todd and Daniel Winklehner | Materials |
2016 January | Safety, Radiation Management, and Machine Protection | Hazard Analysis and Decision Making | John Thomas and Enzo Carrone | |
2016 January | Management | Managing Science in Research Labs, Part I | William Barletta, Barbara Thibadeau and Raffaella Geometrante | |
2016 January | Management | Managing Science in Research Labs, Part II | William Barletta and Barbara Thibadeau | |
2016 January | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Particle Driven Wakefield Accelerators | James Rosenzweig and Michael Litos | |
2016 January | Safety, Radiation Management, and Machine Protection | Radiation Physics, Regulation and Management | J. Donald Cossairt and Matthew Quinn | |
2015 June | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | Alexander Chao and Xiaozhe Shen | |
2015 June | Diagnostics and Controls | Beam-Based Diagnostics | Christoph Steier, James Safranek and Xiaobiao Huang | Materials |
2015 June | Diagnostics and Controls | Control Theory with Application to Accelerators and RF Systems, Part I | Claudio Rivetta and Ozhan Turgut | |
2015 June | Diagnostics and Controls | Control Theory with Application to Accelerators and RF Systems, Part II | Claudio Rivetta, Alex Scheinker and Ozhan Turgut | |
2015 June | Accelerator Systems / Design | Cyclotrons | Timothy Koeth, Brian Beaudoin, Kiersten Ruisard and Timothy Ponter | |
2015 June | Accelerator Systems / Design | Design of Storage Rings for Light Sources | Riccardo Bartolini | |
2015 June | Accelerator Fundamentals | Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab | William Barletta, Linda Spentzouris and Elvin Harms | |
2015 June | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Intermediate Accelerator Physics | Michiko Minty and Frank Zimmermann | |
2015 June | Accelerator Systems / Design | Linear Accelerator Design for Free Electron Lasers | Simone Di Mitri and Marco Venturini | Materials |
2015 June | Magnetic / Electric Optics and Undulators / Wigglers | Magnetic Systems: Theory and Design for Accelerators and Detectors with Emphasis on Insertion Devices | Ross Schlueter, Soren Prestemon and Diego Arbelaez | |
2015 June | Management | Project Management for Scientists and Engineers | Kem Robinson, Dianna Jacobs and Joseph DeLong | |
2015 June | RF Technology | RF Superconductivity: Physics, Technology and Applications | Jean Delayen, Anne-Marie Valente-Feliciano and Gigi Ciovati | Materials |
2015 June | Magnetic / Electric Optics and Undulators / Wigglers | Superconducting Accelerator Magnets | Soren Prestemon, Paolo Ferracin and Ezio Todesco | Materials |
2015 January | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | Todd Satogata, Vasiliy Morozov and Eric Prebys | Materials |
2015 January | Engineering and Technology | Accelerator Power Electronics Engineering | Paul Bellomo and James Sebek | |
2015 January | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Beam Physics with Intense Space Charge | Steven Lund and John Barnard | Materials |
2015 January | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Collective Effects in Beam Dynamics | Giovanni Rumolo, Hannes Bartosik and Kevin Li | Materials |
2015 January | Engineering and Technology | Cryogenic Engineering | Tom Peterson and John Weisend | 100MB tar.gz |
2015 January | Accelerator Fundamentals | Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab | Michael Syphers and Elvin Harms | |
2015 January | RF Technology | Microwave Measurements and Beam Instrumentation Laboratory | Ralph Pasquinelli and David McGinnis | Materials |
2015 January | Computational Modeling and Mathematical Methods | Modern Computational Accelerator Physics | James Amundson and Alexandru Macridin | |
2015 January | Engineering and Technology | Pulsed Power Engineering | Craig Burkhart and Mark Kemp | |
2015 January | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Special Topics in Accelerator Physics | Xiaobiao Huang, Yue Hao, Yichao Jing, Bill K.Y. Ng and S.Y. Lee | |
2015 January | RF Technology | SRF Technology: Practices and Hands-on Measurements by | Charles Reece, Rongli Geng, Tom Powers, Haipeng Wang, Joe Matalevich, Frank Marhauser, Ari Palczewski and John Mammosser | Materials |
2015 January | Engineering and Technology | Vacuum Science and Technology for Accelerator Vacuum Systems | Yulin Li and Xianghong Liu | |
2014 June | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics Using Maple | Uli Wienands and Eduardo Marin Lacoma | |
2014 June | Accelerator Systems / Design | Beam by Design: Advanced Manipulation of Relativistic Electrons with Lasers | Gennady Stupakov and Erik Hemsing | |
2014 June | Diagnostics and Controls | EPICS Control Systems | Andrew Johnson, W. Eric Norum and Kay-Uwe Kasemir | Materials |
2014 June | Accelerator Fundamentals | Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab | William Barletta, Amber Johnson, John Byrd and Fernando Sannibale | Materials |
2014 June | Accelerator Systems / Design | High-Intensity RF Linear Accelerators | Yuri Batygin, Peter Ostroumov and Amichay Perry | Materials |
2014 June | Computational Modeling and Mathematical Methods | MATLAB for Physics | Dan Green | Materials |
2014 June | Applications of Accelerators | Medical Accelerators | Bruce Faddegon, Jose Ramos Mendez, David Robin and Lucas Brouwer | |
2014 June | RF Technology | Microwave Sources | Bruce Carlsten, Steve Russell and Kim Nichols | |
2014 June | Accelerator Systems / Design | RF Linac for High-Gain FEL | Dinh C. Nguyen, John Lewellen and Leanne Duffy | Materials |
2014 June | Synchrotron / EM Radiation, FELS | The Physics of Free Electron Lasers | Dinh C. Nguyen and Quinn Marksteiner | Materials |
2014 June | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Unifying Physics of Accelerators, Lasers and Plasma Synergy and Bridges | Andrei Seryi | |
2014 January | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | Eric Prebys | Materials |
2014 January | Diagnostics and Controls | Control Room Accelerator Physics | John Galambos, Chris Allen and Tom Pelaia | Materials |
2014 January | Magnetic / Electric Optics and Undulators / Wigglers | Design of Room Temperature Magnets | Mau Lopes | Materials |
2014 January | Accelerator Fundamentals | Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab | Sarah Cousineau, Jeff Holmes and Yan Zhang | Materials |
2014 January | Beam Sources | Ion Sources and Low-Energy Ion Beams | Martin Stockli and Baoxi Han | |
2014 January | Management | Managing Science in Research Labs, Part I | William Barletta and Barbara Thibadeau | |
2014 January | Management | Managing Science in Research Labs, Part II | William Barletta and Barbara Thibadeau | |
2014 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Microwave Linear Accelerators | David Whittum and Eric Colby | Materials |
2014 January | Safety, Radiation Management, and Machine Protection | Radiation Physics, Regulation and Management | J. Donald Cossairt and Matthew Quinn | |
2014 January | RF Technology | RF-Cavity and Component Design for Accelerators | Ali Nassiri and Geoff Waldschmidt | |
2014 January | Safety, Radiation Management, and Machine Protection | System Safety and Safety Systems for Accelerators | Kelly Mahoney | |
2014 January | Engineering and Technology | Vibrational Aspects of Accelerators | Michael McGee, Warren Schappert and Stef Janssens | |
2013 June | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | Alex Bogacz and Geoffrey Krafft | Materials |
2013 June | Classical Mechanics and Electromagnetism | Classical Mechanics and Electromagnetism for Accelerators | Gregg Penn and Gabe Marcus | |
2013 June | Accelerator Systems / Design | Design of Electron Storage and Damping Rings | Andy Wolski and David Newton | Materials |
2013 June | Accelerator Fundamentals | Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab | William Barletta, Mei Bai and Elvin Harms | Materials |
2013 June | Detector Physics and Technology | High-Energy Physics Principles and Instrumentation | Bruce Berger, Norman Buchanan, John Harton, Miguel Mostafa, Walter Toki and Robert Wilson | |
2013 June | Engineering and Technology | Laser Principles and Devices | Jorge Rocca, Mario Marconi, Carmen Menoni and Shukui Zhang | |
2013 June | Accelerator Systems / Design | Linear Accelerator Design for Free Electron Lasers | Simone Di Mitri and Marco Venturini | |
2013 June | Applications of Accelerators | Medical Accelerators and Radiological Physics | Alexander Brandl and Tom Johnson | |
2013 June | RF Technology | Microwave Measurements and Beam Instrumentation Laboratory | John Byrd, Tianhuan Luo, Gang Huang, Sandra Biedron and Stephen Milton | Materials |
2013 June | Management | Project Management for Scientists and Engineers | Kem Robinson and Dianna Jacobs | |
2013 June | Synchrotron / EM Radiation, FELS | Synchrotron Radiation and Free Electron Lasers for Bright X-Rays | Kwang-Je Kim, Zhirong Huang and Ryan Lindberg | |
2013 January | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | Todd Satogata and Waldo MacKay | Materials |
2013 January | Engineering and Technology | Cryogenic Engineering | Tom Peterson and John Weisend | |
2013 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Cyclotrons and Their Design | Timothy Koeth and Amber Johnson | |
2013 January | Diagnostics and Controls | Experimental Beam Physics | Ying Wu, Stepan Mikhailov and Hao Hao | Materials |
2013 January | Accelerator Fundamentals | Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab | Stuart Henderson, Cheng-Yang Tan and Robert Zwaska | |
2013 January | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | High Current Beam Physics in Induction Accelerators | George Caporaso and Yu-Jiuan Chen | |
2013 January | Engineering and Technology | Laser Applications to Accelerators | Triveni Rao and Brian Sheehy | Materials |
2013 January | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Laser Plasma Accelerators | Carl Schroeder and Eric Esarey | |
2013 January | RF Technology | Principles of RF Superconductivity | Sergey Belomestnykh and Wencan Xu | Materials |
2013 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Principles of Superconducting Linear Accelerators | Sang-Ho Kim and Marc Doleans | Materials |
2013 January | Engineering and Technology | Vacuum Science and Technology for Accelerator Vacuum Systems | Yulin Li and Xianghong Liu | |
2012 June | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | S.Y. Lee | |
2012 June | Engineering and Technology | Accelerator Power Electronics Engineering | Paul Bellomo and Fernando Rafael | Materials |
2012 June | RF Technology | Applied Electromagnetism for Accelerator Components: Magnet and RF Cavity Design | Mau Lopes and Jeremiah Holzbauer | Materials |
2012 June | Diagnostics and Controls | Beam-Based Diagnostics | Christoph Steier, James Safranek and Xiaobiao Huang | Materials |
2012 June | Diagnostics and Controls | Control Theory with Applications to Accelerators and RF Systems | Claudio Rivetta and John Fox | Materials |
2012 June | Accelerator Systems / Design | Design of Electron Storage and Damping Rings | Mauro Pivi, Ina Reichel and Michael Syphers | Materials |
2012 June | Accelerator Fundamentals | Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab | William Barletta, Linda Spentzouris and Elvin Harms | Materials |
2012 June | Detector Physics and Technology | Fundamentals of Detector Physics and Measurements Lab | Carl Bromberg and Dan Green | Materials |
2012 June | RF Technology | Microwave Sources | Bruce Carlsten and Steve Russell | |
2012 June | Detector Physics and Technology | Semiconductor Detector Systems | Helmuth Spieler | Materials |
2012 June | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Special Topics in Accelerator Physics | Alexander Chao and Yunhai Cai | |
2012 January | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | Eric Prebys | |
2012 January | Beam Sources | Cathode Physics | John Smedley and Matt Poelker | Materials |
2012 January | Safety, Radiation Management, and Machine Protection | Controlling Risks: Safety Systems | Ken Barat and Patrick Bong | Materials |
2012 January | Beam Sources | Electron Injectors for 4th Generation Light Sources | Fernando Sannibale, Daniele Filippetto and Christos Papadopoulos | Materials |
2012 January | Accelerator Fundamentals | Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab | Michael Syphers and Arden Warner | |
2012 January | Magnetic / Electric Optics and Undulators / Wigglers | Magnetic Systems: Theory and Design for Accelerators and Detectors with Emphasis on Insertion Devices | Ross Schlueter and Soren Prestemon | |
2012 January | Management | Managing Science in Research Labs, Part I | William Barletta and Ajda Lah | |
2012 January | Management | Managing Science in Research Labs, Part II | William Barletta and Ajda Lah | |
2012 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Microwave Linear Accelerators | David Whittum and Eric Colby | |
2012 January | RF Technology | Microwave Measurements and Beam Instrumentation Laboratory | Ralph Pasquinelli and David McGinnis | |
2012 January | Safety, Radiation Management, and Machine Protection | Radiation Physics, Regulation and Management | J. Donald Cossairt and S. Diane Reitzner | |
2012 January | Magnetic / Electric Optics and Undulators / Wigglers | Superconducting Accelerator Magnets | Paolo Ferracin, Ezio Todesco, Soren Prestemon and Helene Felice | |
2011 June | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | Waldo MacKay and Todd Satogata | Materials |
2011 June | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Beam Physics with Intense Space Charge | John Barnard and Steven Lund | Materials |
2011 June | Classical Mechanics and Electromagnetism | Classical Mechanics and Electromagnetism in Accelerator Physics | Gennady Stupakov and Gregg Penn | |
2011 June | Accelerator Fundamentals | Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab | William Barletta, Mei Bai, Timothy Koeth and Elvin Harms | Materials |
2011 June | Applications of Accelerators | Medical Applications of Accelerators | Jacob Flanz and Ben Clasie | |
2011 June | Management | Project Management for Scientists and Engineers | Kem Robinson and Dianna Jacobs | |
2011 June | Engineering and Technology | Pulsed Power Engineering | Craig Burkhart and Mark Kemp | Materials |
2011 June | RF Technology | Superconducting RF for High-ß Accelerators | Sergey Belomestnykh and Wencan Xu | Materials |
2011 June | Synchrotron / EM Radiation, FELS | The Physics of Free Electron Lasers | James Murphy and Juhao Wu | |
2011 January | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | Geoffrey Krafft, Alex Bogacz and Hisham Sayed | |
2011 January | Diagnostics and Controls | Beam Measurements, Manipulation and Instrumentation at an ERL FEL Driver | Steve Benson, David Douglas, Pavel Evtushenko, George Neil and Chris Tennant | Materials |
2011 January | Accelerator Fundamentals | Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab | Sarah Cousineau, Jeff Holmes and Yan Zhang | Materials |
2011 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Fundamentals of Proton Linear Accelerators with Simulations Lab | John Staples, George Gillespie and Sang-Ho Kim | Materials |
2011 January | Beam Sources | Ion Sources and Low-Energy Ion Beams | Martin Stockli and Baoxi Han | |
2011 January | Magnetic / Electric Optics and Undulators / Wigglers | Iron Bound Magnets | Jack Tanabe and Mau Lopes | Materials |
2011 January | Engineering and Technology | Laser Applications to Accelerators | Yuelin Li, Triveni Rao and Shukui Zhang | |
2011 January | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Laser Plasma Accelerators | Carl Schroeder and Eric Esarey | Materials |
2011 January | RF Technology | Microwave Measurements and Beam Instrumentation Laboratory | Stefano DeSantis, Gang Huang, Robert Rimmer and Tom Powers | Materials |
2011 January | Computational Modeling and Mathematical Methods | Modern Computational Accelerator Physics | Panagiotis Spentzouris and James Amundson | |
2011 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Particle Collider Interaction Regions | Nikolai Mokhov, Andrei Seryi and Mauro Pivi | Materials |
2010 June | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | Georg Hoffstaetter and David Meidlinger | Materials |
2010 June | Accelerator Systems / Design | Compact Superconducting Cyclotrons and Their Applications | Timothy Antaya | |
2010 June | Diagnostics and Controls | EPICS Control Systems | Andrew Johnson and W. Eric Norum | Materials |
2010 June | Accelerator Fundamentals | Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab | William Barletta, Linda Spentzouris and Elvin Harms | Materials |
2010 June | Beam Sources | High Brightness Electron Injectors for Light Sources | David Dowell | Materials |
2010 June | Diagnostics and Controls | Measurement and Diagnostics of Short Bunches in Accelerators | John Byrd | Materials |
2010 June | RF Technology | Novel High-Gradient Accelerating Structures | Sergey Antipov and Chunguang Jing | Materials |
2010 June | Engineering and Technology | Principles of Cryogenic Engineering | John Pfotenhauer and Steven Van Sciver | Materials |
2010 June | RF Technology | RF Superconductivity: Physics, Technology and Applications | Jean Delayen, Gigi Ciovati and Anne-Marie Valente-Feliciano | |
2010 June | RF Technology | RF-Cavity and Component Design for Accelerators | Ali Nassiri and Geoff Waldschmidt | Materials |
2010 June | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Space-Charge Dominated Beam Transport and Acceleration | Yuri Batygin | Materials |
2010 June | Synchrotron / EM Radiation, FELS | Synchrotron Radiation and Free Electron Lasers for Bright X-Rays | Kwang-Je Kim, Ryan Lindberg, Zhirong Huang and Daniel Ratner | |
2010 January | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | Joseph Bisognano | |
2010 January | Engineering and Technology | Accelerator Power Electronics Engineering | Paul Bellomo and James Sebek | Materials |
2010 January | Diagnostics and Controls | Beam Diagnostics Using Synchrotron Radiation: Theory and Practice | Jeff Corbett, Alan Fisher, Walter Mok and Weixing Cheng | Materials |
2010 January | Accelerator Fundamentals | Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab | Fernando Sannibale, Soren Prestemon and David Robin | Materials |
2010 January | Engineering and Technology | Fundamentals of Timing and Synchronization with Applications to Accelerators | Russell Wilcox and John Fox | |
2010 January | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Intermediate Accelerator Physics and Beam Measurements | Michiko Minty and Frank Zimmermann | Materials |
2010 January | RF Technology | Microwave Measurements and Beam Instrumentation Laboratory | Ralph Pasquinelli and David McGinnis | |
2010 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Physics and Technology of Cyclotrons and FFAGs | Michael Craddock | |
2010 January | Management | Project Management for Scientists and Engineers | Kem Robinson and Andrew Hutton | |
2010 January | Detector Physics and Technology | Radiation Detection and Imaging for Medicine and Homeland Security | Thomas Budinger | |
2010 January | Safety, Radiation Management, and Machine Protection | Radiation Physics, Regulation and Management | J. Donald Cossairt and Vaclav Vylet | |
2010 January | Applications of Accelerators | Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation and Applications | Fulvio Parmigiani | |
2009 June | Diagnostics and Controls | Accelerator and Beam Diagnostics | Willem Blokland, Tom Shea, Alexander Zhukov, John Byrd and Uli Raich | Materials |
2009 June | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | S.Y. Lee | |
2009 June | Classical Mechanics and Electromagnetism | Classical Mechanics and Electromagnetism in Particle Accelerators | Gennady Stupakov and Daniel Ratner | |
2009 June | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Collective Effects in Beam Dynamics | Giovanni Rumolo and Elias Metral | Materials |
2009 June | Computational Modeling and Mathematical Methods | Computational Methods in Beam Dynamics | Robert Ryne | Materials |
2009 June | Synchrotron / EM Radiation, FELS | Free Electron Lasers - Theory and Practice | Dinh C. Nguyen, Steven Russell and Nathan Moody | Materials |
2009 June | Accelerator Fundamentals | Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab | William Barletta and Mei Bai | Materials |
2009 June | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Plasma Physics of Beams | Pat Colestock | |
2009 June | RF Technology | RF and Digital Signal Processing | Dmitry Teytelman and Dan Van Winkle | Materials |
2009 June | Magnetic / Electric Optics and Undulators / Wigglers | Superconducting Accelerator Magnets | Paolo Ferracin, Soren Prestemon and Ezio Todesco | |
2009 June | Engineering and Technology | Superconducting Materials for High-Energy Physics | Lance Cooley | |
2009 June | RF Technology | Superconducting RF for Storage Rings, ERLs and Linac-Based FELs | Sergey Belomestnykh and David Meidlinger | Materials |
2009 January | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | Todd Satogata and William Gabella | |
2009 January | Applications of Accelerators | Design and Engineering of Neutron and X-Ray Beamlines for Accelerator-Driven Sources | R. Kent Crawford | |
2009 January | Accelerator Fundamentals | Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab | Stuart Henderson, Jeff Holmes and Yan Zhang | Materials |
2009 January | Targets and Beam Dumps | High Power Beam Targets (and Collimation) | John Haines, Phil Ferguson, Thomas McManamy, Erik Iverson, and Louis Mansur | |
2009 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Injection and Extraction of Beams | Michael Plum and Uli Wienands | Materials |
2009 January | Management | Managing Science in Research Laboratories | William Barletta and David McGraw | |
2009 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Microwave Linear Accelerators | David Whittum and Eric Colby | Materials |
2009 January | RF Technology | Microwave Measurements and Beam Instrumentation Laboratory | Sami Tantawi and Muralidhar Yeddulla | |
2009 January | Engineering and Technology | Pulsed Power Engineering | Craig Burkhart | Materials |
2009 January | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Special Topics in Accelerator Physics | Alex Chao and Yunhai Cai | |
2009 January | Synchrotron / EM Radiation, FELS | The Physics of Free Electron Lasers | James Murphy and Juhao Wu | |
2008 June | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | Waldo MacKay and Todd Satogata | |
2008 June | Diagnostics and Controls | Beam Dynamics Experiments on the University of Maryland Electron Ring | Rami Kishek, Santiago Bernal, Ralph Fiorito, Patrick O'Shea, Diktys Stratakis and David Sutter | Materials |
2008 June | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Beam Physics with Intense Space Charge | John Barnard and Steven Lund | |
2008 June | Diagnostics and Controls | Beam-Based Diagnostics | Christoph Steier and James Safranek | |
2008 June | Diagnostics and Controls | Control Room Accelerator Physics | John Galambos, Chris Allen and Chungming (Paul) Chu | |
2008 June | Accelerator Fundamentals | Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab | Ying Wu, Stepan Mikhailov and Juhao Wu | |
2008 June | Engineering and Technology | Laser Applications to Accelerators | Yuelin Li and Triveni Rao | Materials |
2008 June | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Laser Plasma Accelerators | Carl Schroeder and Eric Esarey | |
2008 June | Applications of Accelerators | Medical Applications of Accelerators | Jacob Flanz and Ben Clasie | |
2008 June | RF Technology | Microwave Sources | Bruce Carlsten and Steven Russell | |
2008 June | Detector Physics and Technology | Radiation Detection and Imaging for Medicine and Homeland Security | Thomas Budinger and Gary Phillips | |
2008 June | RF Technology | RF Superconductivity: Physics, Technology and Applications | Jean Delayen | Materials |
2008 June | Engineering and Technology | Vacuum Electron Devices | Alain Durand and Michael Langlois | |
2008 January | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | Vladimir Litvinenko, Todd Satogata and Eduard Pozdeyev | Materials |
2008 January | Synchrotron / EM Radiation, FELS | Accelerator-Based Sources of Coherent Terahertz Radiation | John Byrd and Fernando Sannibale | Materials |
2008 January | Diagnostics and Controls | Beam Diagnostics Using Synchrotron Radiation: Theory and Practice | Jeff Corbett, Alan Fisher and Walter Mok | Materials |
2008 January | Accelerator Fundamentals | Fundamentals of Charged Particle Optics in High Energy Accelerators | Michael Syphers and Arden Warner | |
2008 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Fundamentals of Storage Ring Design | Yannis Papaphilippou | Materials |
2008 January | Engineering and Technology | Fundamentals of Timing and Synchronization with Applications to Accelerators | Russell Wilcox and John Fox | Materials |
2008 January | Beam Sources | High Brightness Electron Injectors for Light Sources | David Dowell, John Schmerge and Steve Lidia | Materials |
2008 January | Magnetic / Electric Optics and Undulators / Wigglers | Magnetic Systems: Insertion Device Design | Ross Schlueter and Soren Prestemon | |
2008 January | RF Technology | Microwave Measurements and Beam Instrumentation Laboratory | Derun Li, Robert Rimmer, Tom Powers and John Staples | Materials |
2008 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Recirculated and Energy Recovered Linear Accelerators | Geoffrey Krafft and Ivan Bazarov | |
2008 January | Diagnostics and Controls | Response Matrix Analysis: Applications to Accelerator Orbit Control, Optics Diagnostics and Correction | Andrei Terebilo | |
2008 January | Synchrotron / EM Radiation, FELS | Synchrotron Radiation and Free Electron Lasers | Kwang-Je Kim, Yin-e Sun and Zhirong Huang | |
2007 June | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | Joseph Bisognano | |
2007 June | Engineering and Technology | Accelerator Power Electronics Engineering | Paul Bellomo and Antonio de Lira | |
2007 June | Accelerator Systems / Design | Accelerator X-Ray Sources | Richard Talman | |
2007 June | Diagnostics and Controls | Beam Experiments and Measurements at the NSCL | Marc Doleans, Guillaume Machicoane, Walter Hartung and Eduard Pozdeyev | |
2007 June | Classical Mechanics and Electromagnetism | Classical Mechanics and Electromagnetism in Accelerators | Gennady Stupakov and Zhirong Huang | |
2007 June | Accelerator Fundamentals | Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab | Fernando Sannibale, Soren Prestemon and David Robin | Materials |
2007 June | Accelerator Systems / Design | Fundamentals of Low-Beta Linear Accelerators with Simulations Lab | John Staples and George Gillespie | |
2007 June | Beam Sources | Ion Sources and Low-Energy Ion Beams | Martin Stockli and Baoxi Han | |
2007 June | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Plasma Physics of Beams | Pat Colestock | |
2007 June | Safety, Radiation Management, and Machine Protection | Radiation Physics, Regulation and Management | J. Donald Cossairt and Reginald Ronningen | |
2007 June | Magnetic / Electric Optics and Undulators / Wigglers | Superconducting Accelerator Magnets | Paolo Ferracin, Soren Prestemon and Ezio Todesco | |
2007 June | Safety, Radiation Management, and Machine Protection | System Safety and Safety Systems for Accelerators | Kelly Mahoney | |
2007 January | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | Alexander Chao and Min-Huey Wang | |
2007 January | Engineering and Technology | Accelerator Vacuum Engineering | Louis Bertolini | |
2007 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Beam Delivery System and Interaction Region of a Linear Collider | Mauro Pivi, Andrei Seryi and Nikolai Mokhov | |
2007 January | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Collective Effects and Wakefields | Roger Jones | |
2007 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Damping Ring Design and Physics Issues | Andy Wolski and James Jones | |
2007 January | Diagnostics and Controls | EPICS Control Systems | Andrew Johnson and W. Eric Norum | Materials |
2007 January | Accelerator Fundamentals | Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab | Stuart Henderson and Sarah Cousineau | |
2007 January | Management | Managing Science in Research Laboratories | William Barletta and Kem Robinson | |
2007 January | RF Technology | Microwave Measurements and Beam Instrumentation Laboratory | Ralph Pasquinelli and Dave McGinnis | |
2007 January | Computational Modeling and Mathematical Methods | Modern Computational Accelerator Physics | Panagiotis Spentzouris and James Amundson | |
2006 June | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Advanced Accelerator Physics and Accelerator Simulations | Georg Hoffstaetter and Changsheng Song | Materials |
2006 June | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Beam Physics with Intense Space Charge | John Barnard, Steven Lund and Rami Kishek | |
2006 June | Computational Modeling and Mathematical Methods | Computational Accelerator Physics | Martin Berz and Kyoko Makino | |
2006 June | Accelerator Fundamentals | Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab | Louis Emery, Chih-Yuan Yao and Shaoheng Wang | |
2006 June | Beam Sources | High Brightness, Ultra-Fast Electron Sources | James Rosenzweig and Massimo Ferrario | |
2006 June | Synchrotron / EM Radiation, FELS | Introduction to Synchrotron Radiation and Free Electron Lasers | Kwang-Je Kim and Zhirong Huang | |
2006 June | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Laser-Driven Accelerators | Eric Esarey and Bradley Shadwick | |
2006 June | RF Technology | Microwave Sources | Bruce Carlsten and Steve Russell | |
2006 June | Accelerator Systems / Design | Physics and Technology of Cyclotrons | Felix Marti | |
2006 June | RF Technology | RF Superconductivity: Physics, Technology and Applications | Jean Delayen | |
2006 June | RF Technology | RF-Cavity and Component Design for Accelerators | Ali Nassiri and Geoff Waldschmidt | |
2006 January | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | Lee Teng and Vadim Sajaev | |
2006 January | Diagnostics and Controls | Beam-Based Diagnostics | Christoph Steier, Gregory Portmann and James Safranek | |
2006 January | Accelerator Fundamentals | Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab | Fernando Sannibale, Soren Prestemon and David Robin | |
2006 January | Beam Sources | Fundamentals of Ion Sources | Ian Brown and Xavier Godechot | |
2006 January | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | High Current Beam Physics in Induction Accelerators | George Caporaso and Yu-Jiuan Chen | |
2006 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Microwave Linear Accelerators | David Whittum | |
2006 January | RF Technology | Microwave Measurements and Beam Instrumentation Laboratory | John Byrd, Gang Huang, Derun Li and John Staples | |
2006 January | Engineering and Technology | Principles of Cryogenic Engineering | Steven Van Sciver and John Pfotenhauer | |
2006 January | Safety, Radiation Management, and Machine Protection | Radiation Physics, Regulation and Management | J. Donald Cossairt and Sayed Rokni | |
2006 January | Magnetic / Electric Optics and Undulators / Wigglers | Superconducting Accelerator Magnets | Ramesh Gupta and Animesh Jain | Materials |
2006 January | Safety, Radiation Management, and Machine Protection | System Safety and Safety Systems for Accelerators | Kelly Mahoney | |
2005 June | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | Waldo MacKay and Rama Calaga | Materials |
2005 June | Computational Modeling and Mathematical Methods | Accelerator Simulation Using the Unified Accelerator Libraries (UAL) | Nikolay Malitsky and Richard Talman | Materials |
2005 June | Diagnostics and Controls | CESR Beam Measurements and Diagnostics | David Rubin | |
2005 June | Computational Modeling and Mathematical Methods | Computational Methods in Electromagnetism | Kwok Ko and Zenghai Li | |
2005 June | Accelerator Fundamentals | Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab | Yannis Papaphilippou and Nuria Catalan-Lasheras | Materials |
2005 June | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Fundamentals of Wakefields and Impedance: From Physical-Mathematical Analysis to Practical Applications | Roger Jones | |
2005 June | Accelerator Systems / Design | High Brightness Accelerators | Thomas Wangler | |
2005 June | Magnetic / Electric Optics and Undulators / Wigglers | Iron Dominated Electromagnet Design | Jack Tanabe | Materials & Lectures |
2005 June | Engineering and Technology | Large Scale Metrology of Accelerators | Robert Ruland and Catherine LeCocq | |
2005 June | Engineering and Technology | Laser Physics and Technology | Jan Chaloupka | |
2005 June | Applications of Accelerators | Medical Applications of Accelerators and Beams | Jacob Flanz | |
2005 June | RF Technology | Microwaves for Accelerator Engineers and Physicists | James Sebek | |
2005 June | Accelerator Systems / Design | Recirculated and Energy Recovered Linear Accelerators | Geoffrey Krafft, Lia Merminga and Ivan Bazarov | |
2005 June | RF Technology | RF Engineering and Signal Processing | John Fox | |
2005 January | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | S.Y. Lee | |
2005 January | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Advanced Beam Dynamics | Bruce Carlsten and Steve Russell | |
2005 January | Computational Modeling and Mathematical Methods | Computational Methods in Beam Dynamics | Robert Ryne | |
2005 January | Diagnostics and Controls | EPICS Control Systems | Robert Dalesio, Kay-Uwe Kasemir and Andrew Johnson | |
2005 January | Accelerator Fundamentals | Fundamentals of Particle Acceleration | Michael Syphers and Elvin Harms | |
2005 January | Synchrotron / EM Radiation, FELS | Introduction to Synchrotron Radiation and Free Electron Lasers | Kwang-Je Kim and Zhirong Huang | |
2005 January | RF Technology | Microwave Measurements and Beam Instrumentation Laboratory | Ralph Pasquinelli and David McGinnis | |
2005 January | Diagnostics and Controls | Response Matrix Measurements and Application to Storage Rings | Jeff Corbett and Andrei Terebilo | Materials |
2005 January | RF Technology | Superconducting RF Applications | Jean Delayen | Materials |
2005 January | RF Technology | Superconducting RF Technology | Hasan Padamsee | |
2005 January | Synchrotron / EM Radiation, FELS | X-Ray Free Electron Lasers | Sam Krinsky | |
2004 June | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | Alexander Chao and Gennady Stupakov | |
2004 June | Engineering and Technology | Accelerator Power System Engineering | Paul Bellomo and James Sebek | |
2004 June | Diagnostics and Controls | Beam Control and Manipulation | Michiko Minty and Frank Zimmermann | Materials |
2004 June | Diagnostics and Controls | Beam Instrumentation Laboratory at the Synchrotron Radiation Center (SRC) | Ken Jacobs, Robert Legg and Mike Fisher | |
2004 June | Beam Sources | CW and High Brightness Electron Sources | James Rosenzweig and Massimo Ferrario | |
2004 June | Accelerator Fundamentals | Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab | Linda Spentzouris and Katherine Harkay | |
2004 June | Engineering and Technology | Principles of Cryogenic Engineering | Steven Van Sciver and John Pfotenhauer | Materials |
2004 June | Safety, Radiation Management, and Machine Protection | Radiation Physics, Regulation and Management | J. Donald Cossairt and Sayed Rokni | |
2004 June | Applications of Accelerators | SNS-I, Front End and Linac | Thomas Wangler, James Billen and Roderich Keller | Materials |
2004 June | Applications of Accelerators | SNS-II, Ring and Transport Systems | Jie Wei and Yannis Papaphilippou | |
2004 June | Safety, Radiation Management, and Machine Protection | System Safety and Safety Systems for Accelerators | Kelly Mahoney and Sandra Prior | |
2004 January | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | Lee Teng and Vadim Sajaev | |
2004 January | Engineering and Technology | Accelerator Vacuum Engineering | Louis Bertolini | Materials |
2004 January | Classical Mechanics and Electromagnetism | Classical Mechanics and Electromagnetism for Accelerators and Beams | Helmut Wiedemann | Materials |
2004 January | Accelerator Fundamentals | Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab | Louis Emery and Nick Sereno | Materials |
2004 January | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Intense Beam Physics: Space-Charge, Halo and Related Topics | John Barnard and Steven Lund | |
2004 January | Beam Sources | Ion Injectors for Accelerators | Martin Stockli | |
2004 January | Applications of Accelerators | Medical Applications of Accelerators and Beams | Jacob Flanz | |
2004 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Microwave Linear Accelerators | David Whittum and Xintian Eddie Lin | |
2004 January | RF Technology | Microwave Sources | Bruce Carlsten and Steve Russell | |
2004 January | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Plasma Physics Concepts in Beams | Pat Colestock | |
2004 January | RF Technology | RF Engineering and Signal Processing | John Fox | |
2003 June | Magnetic / Electric Optics and Undulators / Wigglers | Accelerator Magnet Engineering | Jack Tanabe | |
2003 June | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | S.Y. Lee and Bill K.Y. Ng | |
2003 June | Accelerator Systems / Design | Beam Stability at Light Sources | Glen Decker, John Carwardine, Nick Sereno and Robert Hettel | |
2003 June | Diagnostics and Controls | Beam-Based Diagnostics | David Robin, Christoph Steier and James Safranek | |
2003 June | Accelerator Fundamentals | Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab | Helmut Wiedemann and James Sebek | |
2003 June | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Fundamentals of Wakefields and Impedance: From Physical-Mathematical Analysis to Practical Applications | Roger Jones | |
2003 June | Synchrotron / EM Radiation, FELS | Introduction to Synchrotron Radiation and Free Electron Lasers | Kwang-Je Kim and Zhirong Huang | |
2003 June | RF Technology | Microwave Measurements and Beam Instrumentation Laboratory | John Byrd, Derun Li, Stefano De Santis and Robert Rimmer | |
2003 June | RF Technology | Microwave Physics and Techniques | Ali Nassiri | Materials |
2003 June | Accelerator Systems / Design | Physics and Technology of Linear Collider Facilities | Nicholas Walker, Andy Wolski, Andrei Seryi, Peter Tenenbaum and Mauro Pivi | Materials |
2003 June | Magnetic / Electric Optics and Undulators / Wigglers | Superconducting Accelerator Magnets | Ramesh Gupta and Animesh Jain | |
2003 January | Accelerator Fundamentals | Accelerator Fundamentals | Michael Syphers, Elvin Harms and Dave Vander Meulen | |
2003 January | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | Joseph Bisognano and Vahid Ranjbar | |
2003 January | Diagnostics and Controls | EPICS Control Systems | Robert Dalesio, Kay Uwe Kasemir and Andrew Johnson | Materials |
2003 January | Synchrotron / EM Radiation, FELS | Fourth Generation Light Sources I : X-Ray Laser | Sven Reiche and Alex Murokh | |
2003 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Fourth Generation Light Sources II : ERLs and Thomson Scattering | Geoffrey Krafft and Ivan Bazarov | Materials |
2003 January | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Induction Accelerators | George Caporaso and Yu-Jiuan Chen | |
2003 January | Engineering and Technology | Pulsed Power Circuits | Edward Cook | |
2003 January | Safety, Radiation Management, and Machine Protection | Radiation Physics, Regulation and Management | J. Donald Cossairt and Scott Schwahn | |
2003 January | RF Technology | RF-SC Applications | Ken Shepard and Jean Delayen | |
2003 January | RF Technology | RF-SC Technology | Hasan Padamsee | |
2003 January | Safety, Radiation Management, and Machine Protection | System Safety and Safety Systems for Accelerators | Kelly Mahoney and Sandra Prior | |
2002 June | Accelerator Fundamentals | Accelerator Fundamentals | Carol Johnstone and Weishi Wan | |
2002 June | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | Waldo MacKay | |
2002 June | Engineering and Technology | Accelerator Vacuum System Design | Louis Bertolini | Materials |
2002 June | Computational Modeling and Mathematical Methods | Applications of MATLAB in Accelerator Physics and Engineering | Andrei Terebilo | |
2002 June | Classical Mechanics and Electromagnetism | Classical Mechanics and Electromagnetism in Accelerators and Beams | Richard Talman and Vahid Ranjbar | Materials |
2002 June | Computational Modeling and Mathematical Methods | Computational Methods in Electromagnetism | Kwok Ko | |
2002 June | Magnetic / Electric Optics and Undulators / Wigglers | Magnetic Systems: Insertion Devices | Ross Schlueter | |
2002 June | Computational Modeling and Mathematical Methods | Particle Beam Optics Using Lie Algebra Methods | John Irwin | |
2002 January | Applications of Accelerators | Accelerator and Optics for Proton Therapy Applications | George Coutrakon and George Gillespie | |
2002 January | Accelerator Fundamentals | Accelerator Fundamentals | Wu-Tsung Weng and Yannis Papaphilippou | |
2002 January | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | Gerald Dugan and Antonella Romano | Materials |
2002 January | Engineering and Technology | Accelerator Power Engineering | Richard Cassel and Paul Bellomo | |
2002 January | RF Technology | Accelerator RF Systems | Daniel Boussard | |
2002 January | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Collective Beam Instabilities | Bill K.Y. Ng | |
2002 January | Beam Sources | Fundamentals of Ion Sources | Ian Brown and Xavier Godechot | |
2002 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Microwave Linear Accelerators | David Whittum, Sami Tantawi and Frank Zimmermann | |
2002 January | RF Technology | Microwave Measurements and Beam Physics Laboratory | David McGinnis and Ralph Pasquinelli | |
2002 January | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Nonlinear Dynamics and Collective Processes in High-Intensity Beams | Ronald Davidson and Hong Qin | |
2002 January | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Plasma Physics in Beams | Pat Colestock and Linda Spentzouris | |
2002 January | Synchrotron / EM Radiation, FELS | Radiation From Relativistic Electrons and Free-Electron Lasers | Claudio Pellegrini and Alex Murokh | |
2001 June | Accelerator Fundamentals | Accelerator Fundamentals | Waldo MacKay | |
2001 June | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | Uli Wienands | |
2001 June | Synchrotron / EM Radiation, FELS | Hard X-Ray Synchrotron Radiation Optics | Dennis Mills | |
2001 June | Diagnostics and Controls | Intermediate Accelerator Physics - Beam Control and Manipulation | Michiko Minty and Frank Zimmermann | |
2001 June | Accelerator Systems / Design | Linear Accelerators | Thomas Wangler and James Billen | |
2001 June | RF Technology | Microwave Measurements and Beam Instrumentation Laboratory | John Byrd, Robert Rimmer, Derun Li and Stefano De Santis | |
2001 June | Computational Modeling and Mathematical Methods | Object-Oriented Computational Accelerator Physics | John Cary, Svetlana Shasharina and David Bruhwiler | |
2001 June | Accelerator Systems / Design | Physics and Design of High-Intensity Accelerators | Jie Wei, Alexei Fedotov and Yannis Papaphilippou | Materials |
2001 June | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Space-Charge Effects in Beam Transport | John Barnard and Steven Lund | |
2001 June | Targets and Beam Dumps | The Physics of Heavy-Ion Driven Hohlraum Targets | Max Tabak | |
2001 January | Accelerator Fundamentals | Accelerator Fundamentals | Michael Syphers, Elvin Harms, Dave Vander Meulen and Arden Warner | |
2001 January | Magnetic / Electric Optics and Undulators / Wigglers | Accelerator Magnet Engineering | Jack Tanabe | |
2001 January | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | Joseph Rogers and Michael Weinberger | |
2001 January | Engineering and Technology | Accelerator Vacuum System Design | Louis Bertolini and Mike Benaphil | |
2001 January | Applications of Accelerators | Applications of Synchrotron Radiation in Material Science | Dennis McWhan | |
2001 January | Computational Modeling and Mathematical Methods | Hamiltonian Dynamics and Lie Algebra | Yiton Yan and Andrei Terebilo | |
2001 January | Applications of Accelerators | Materials Research with Accelerator-Based Neutron Sources | Thom Mason | |
2001 January | Beam Sources | Numerical Methods of Electron and Ion Source Design | John Petillo and Stanley Humphries Jr. | |
2001 January | Safety, Radiation Management, and Machine Protection | Radiation Physics, Regulation and Management | J. Donald Cossairt and Reginald Ronningen | |
2001 January | RF Technology | RF Superconductivity for Accelerators | Hasan Padamsee and Jens Knobloch | |
2001 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Storage Rings as Sources of Synchrotron Radiation | Richard Talman | |
2001 January | Magnetic / Electric Optics and Undulators / Wigglers | Superconducting Accelerator Magnets | Ramesh Gupta, Animesh Jain and Carl Goodzeit | |
2000 June | Accelerator Fundamentals | Accelerator Fundamentals | Helmut Wiedemann and Cecile Limborg | |
2000 June | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | S.Y. Lee, Derun Li and Ronald Ruth | |
2000 June | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Advanced Topics in Accelerator Physics | Alexander Chao and Jeff Holmes | Materials |
2000 June | RF Technology | Basics of Superconductivity, Superconducting Magnets and RF Cavities | Peter Schmueser and Ramesh Gupta | |
2000 June | Computational Modeling and Mathematical Methods | Computational Methods in Electromagnetism | Kwok Ko, Zhenghai Li and Brian McCandless | |
2000 June | RF Technology | High Power Microwave Amplifiers (Microwave Relativistic Electronics) | Victor Granatstein | |
2000 June | Applications of Accelerators | Medical Applications of Accelerators and Beams | Jacob Flanz | |
2000 June | RF Technology | Microwave Measurements and Beam Instrumentation Laboratory | David McGinnis and Ralph Pasquinelli | |
2000 June | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Physics of Collective Beam Instabilities | Bill K.Y. Ng | |
2000 June | Synchrotron / EM Radiation, FELS | Physics of High-Gain Free Electron Lasers | Kwang-Je Kim and Zhirong Huang | |
2000 January | Accelerator Fundamentals | Accelerator Fundamentals | Lee Teng | |
2000 January | Magnetic / Electric Optics and Undulators / Wigglers | Accelerator Magnet Engineering - Conventional Magnets, Material, Alignment and Power Supply | Jack Tanabe | |
2000 January | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | John Seeman | |
2000 January | Applications of Accelerators | Accelerator Physics for Radiography | George Caporaso, Yu-Jiuan Chen and Judy Chen | |
2000 January | RF Technology | Accelerator RF Systems | Daniel Boussard and Oliver Brunner | |
2000 January | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Analytic Methods for Impedance Calculations | Robert Gluckstern and Sergei Kurennoy | |
2000 January | Applications of Accelerators | Hadron Accelerators for Cancer Treatment | George Coutrakon | |
2000 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Linear Accelerators | Thomas Wangler and James Billen | |
2000 January | Management | Management of Scientific Laboratories | Claude Geles, Gilles Lindecker, Christian Roche and Melvin Month | |
2000 January | RF Technology | Microwave Measurements and Beam Instrumentation Laboratory | John Corlett, John Byrd, Stefano De Santis, Derun Li and Bob Rimmer | |
2000 January | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Plasma Physics in Beams | Pat Colestock and Linda Spentzouris | |
1999 June | Accelerator Fundamentals | Accelerator Fundamentals | John Galayda | |
1999 June | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | Joseph Rogers and Kern Ormond | |
1999 June | Engineering and Technology | Accelerator Vacuum Physics and Technology | Gerald Jackson and William Turner | |
1999 June | Diagnostics and Controls | Beam Techniques - Control and Manipulation | Michiko Minty and Frank Zimmermann | Materials |
1999 June | Diagnostics and Controls | Digital Signal Processing | John Carwardine, Frank Lenkszus and Robert Merl | |
1999 June | Synchrotron / EM Radiation, FELS | Hard X-Ray Synchrotron Radiation Optics | Dennis Mills | |
1999 June | Synchrotron / EM Radiation, FELS | High Gain Free Electron Lasers | Sam Krinsky and Li-Hua Yu | |
1999 June | Diagnostics and Controls | Introduction to Accelerator Control Systems using EPICS | Martin Kraimer, Ned Arnold, Janet Anderson and Robert Dalesio | |
1999 June | RF Technology | Microwave Measurements and Beam Physics Laboratory | Robert Kustom, Douglas Horan, Yoon Kang, Ali Nassiri and Joshua Song | |
1999 June | Accelerator Systems / Design | Modern Cyclotrons [Principles, Trouble-Shooting, Repair] | Henry Blosser and Felix Marti | |
1999 June | RF Technology | RF Superconductivity for Accelerators | Hasan Padamsee and Jens Knobloch | |
1999 June | Magnetic / Electric Optics and Undulators / Wigglers | Superconducting Dipole and Quadrupole Magnets for Particle Accelerators | Arnaud Devred | |
1999 June | Computational Modeling and Mathematical Methods | The Use of Hamiltonian & Lie Algebra Methods to Analyze & Design Accelerator Beamlines | John Irwin and Yiton Yan | |
1999 January | Accelerator Fundamentals | Accelerator Fundamentals | Michael Syphers | |
1999 January | Accelerator and Beam Physics | An Introduction to Particle Accelerators | Stephen Holmes | |
1999 January | Computational Modeling and Mathematical Methods | Computational Methods in Accelerator and Beam Physics | Robert Ryne | |
1999 January | Beam Sources | Electron Beam Sources and Injectors | Charles Sinclair and Bruce Dunham | |
1999 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Future Linear Colliders | Tor Raubenheimer | |
1999 January | Beam Sources | Ion Sources | Ian Brown and Xavier Godechot | |
1999 January | Management | Management of Scientific Laboratories | Claude Geles, Gilles Lindecker, Christian Roche and Melvin Month | |
1999 January | Applications of Accelerators | Medical Applications of Accelerators and Beams | Jacob Flanz and Yves Jongen | |
1999 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Microwave Linear Accelerators | David Whittum, Xintian Eddie Lin and Dennis Palmer | |
1999 January | RF Technology | Microwave Measurements and Beam Physics Laboratory | David McGinnis, Ralph Pasquinelli, Marcus Mendenhall and William Gabella | |
1999 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Muon Collider Technology and Beam Physics | Robert Palmer and Richard Fernow | |
1999 January | Safety, Radiation Management, and Machine Protection | Radiation Physics, Regulation and Management | J. Donald Cossairt and Vernon Cupps | |
1998 June | Accelerator Fundamentals | Accelerator Fundamentals | Helmut Wiedemann and Chitrlada Settakorn | |
1998 June | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | Robert Siemann | |
1998 June | Diagnostics and Controls | Beam Experiments | Albert Hofmann and Malika Meddahi | |
1998 June | Classical Mechanics and Electromagnetism | Classical Mechanics and Electromagnetism for Beam Physics | Pisin Chen and Clarence Cheng | |
1998 June | Synchrotron / EM Radiation, FELS | Classical Theory of Radiation from Free Electrons | Charles Brau | |
1998 June | RF Technology | Klystron Technology and Measurement Laboratory | Robert Phillips, Glenn Scheitrum, Arnold Vlieks, Sami Tantawi and Neville Luhmann | |
1998 June | Magnetic / Electric Optics and Undulators / Wigglers | Magnetic Systems | Ross Schlueter and Klaus Halbach | |
1998 June | RF Technology | Microwave Measurements Lab and RF Systems for Accelerators | John Byrd, John Corlett and Michiko Minty | |
1998 June | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Plasma Accelerators, Lenses and Light Sources | John Dawson, Chan Joshi, Thomas Katsouleas and Warren Mori | |
1998 January | Accelerator Fundamentals | Accelerator Fundamentals | Michael Syphers and Linda Spentzouris | |
1998 January | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | S.Y. Lee | |
1998 January | Engineering and Technology | Accelerator Vacuum Physics and Technology | Gerald Jackson and William Turner | |
1998 January | Computational Modeling and Mathematical Methods | Computational Methods in Beam Physics | Martin Berz and Kyoko Makino | |
1998 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Electrostatic Accelerators | Richard Hyder | |
1998 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Fundamentals of High Current Beams and Induction Power Systems | Hugh Kirbie and Yu-Jiuan Chen | |
1998 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Linear Accelerators | Thomas Wangler and James Billen | |
1998 January | Magnetic / Electric Optics and Undulators / Wigglers | Magnetic Measurements | Henry Glass | |
1998 January | Beam Sources | Modern Electron Sources | James Rosenzweig and Dennis Palmer | |
1998 January | Applications of Accelerators | Neutron Beams and Accelerators | Alessandro Ruggiero | |
1998 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Precision High Current Beam Manipulation | George Caporaso and Judy Chen | |
1998 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | RF Systems for Electron Linacs and Storage Rings | Perry Wilson and Christopher Nantista | |
1997 June | Accelerator Fundamentals | Accelerator Fundamentals | Lee Teng and Yong-Chul Chae | |
1997 June | Diagnostics and Controls | Accelerator Instrumentation and Beam Measurement Laboratory | Jacob Flanz, Gerald Jackson, Yves Jongen and George Coutrakon | |
1997 June | Applications of Accelerators | Accelerator Production of Tritium | Thomas Wangler, James Billen, George Lawrence and Paul Lisowski | |
1997 June | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Advanced Topics in Accelerator Physics | Alexander Chao and Gennady Stupakov | |
1997 June | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Applications of Lasers to Accelerators | James Rosenzweig and Dennis Palmer | |
1997 June | Computational Modeling and Mathematical Methods | Computations in Accelerator Physics | Robert Ryne, John Petillo and Vinay Srinivas | |
1997 June | Synchrotron / EM Radiation, FELS | Electromagnetic Radiation | Helmut Wiedemann | |
1997 June | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Intense Pulsed Electron and Ion Beams | David Hammer and Edl Schamiloglu | |
1997 June | Management | Management of Scientific Laboratories | Christian Roche, Claude Geles and Gilles Lindecker | |
1997 June | RF Technology | RF Superconductivity | Hasan Padamsee and Thomas Hays | |
1997 January | Accelerator Fundamentals | Accelerator Fundamentals | Richard Cooper | |
1997 January | RF Technology | Accelerator Instrumentation and Beam Measurement Laboratory | John Byrd, John Corlett and Alan Jackson | |
1997 January | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Accelerator Physics | S.Y. Lee and Michiko Minty | |
1997 January | Engineering and Technology | Accelerator Vacuum Laboratory | Gerald Jackson, William Turner and Mauro Audi | |
1997 January | Diagnostics and Controls | Beam Experiments - Methods and Theory | Albert Hofmann and Malika Meddahi | |
1997 January | Diagnostics and Controls | Control Theory with Applications to Accelerators | Haitham Hindi and John Fox | |
1997 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Electron Linear Accelerators | David Whittum and Steve Lidia | |
1997 January | Magnetic / Electric Optics and Undulators / Wigglers | Magnetic Systems | Ross Schlueter and Klaus Halbach | |
1997 January | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Physics and Technology of Z-Pinches | David Mosher | |
1997 January | Synchrotron / EM Radiation, FELS | Radiation Phenomena in Relativistic Particle Beams | Kwang-Je Kim | |
1997 January | Safety, Radiation Management, and Machine Protection | Radiation Physics at Accelerators | J. Donald Cossairt and Kamran Vaziri | |
1996 January | Synchrotron / EM Radiation, FELS | Free Electron Lasers | John Madey | |
1996 January | Diagnostics and Controls | Fundamentals of Beam Experiments | John Seeman and Alan Fisher | |
1996 January | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Introduction to Accelerator Optics | Karl Brown, David Carey and George Gillespie | |
1996 January | Accelerator Fundamentals | Introduction to Particle-Beam Physics | Richard Cooper, Claudio Pellegrini and Robert Ryne | |
1996 January | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Introduction to Pulsed-Power High Current Beams and Their Applications | Stanley Humphries, Jr. and Craig Olson | |
1996 January | RF Technology | Introduction to RF Systems in Accelerators | Shane Koscielniak and Mikhail D'yachkov | |
1996 January | Management | Management of Scientific Laboratories | Christian Roche, Claude Geles and Gilles Lindecker | |
1996 January | RF Technology | Microwave Measurements Laboratory | Walter Barry, John Byrd, John Corlett, David Goldberg, Glen Lambertson, Robert Rimmer | |
1996 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Optical Systems for Synchrotron Light Beam Lines | Malcolm Howells and Stephen Lindaas | |
1996 January | RF Technology | RF Superconductivity | Hasan Padamsee and Thomas Hays | |
1995 June | Accelerator Fundamentals | Accelerator Fundamentals | Michael Syphers and Linda Spentzouris | |
1995 June | Diagnostics and Controls | Accelerator Instrumentation and Beam Measurement Laboratory | Gerald Jackson and James Rosenzweig | |
1995 June | Computational Modeling and Mathematical Methods | Computer Methods for Accelerator Physics | Adam Drobot and John Petillo | |
1995 June | Diagnostics and Controls | Introduction to Beam Experiments | Albert Hofmann and Malika Meddahi | |
1995 June | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Introduction to Beam Optics | Martin Berz | Materials |
1995 June | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Principles of Beam Acceleration | Perry Wilson and David Whittum | |
1995 January | Computational Modeling and Mathematical Methods | Accelerator Mathematics I and II | Richard Talman | |
1995 January | Diagnostics and Controls | Control Theory with Applications to Accelerators | John Fox and Haitham Hindi | |
1995 January | Applications of Accelerators | Introduction to Accelerator Applications | Robert Jameson, George Gillespie and Jose Alonso | |
1995 January | Accelerator Fundamentals | Introduction to Accelerator Physics I and II | Stephen Holmes and Robert Noble | |
1995 January | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Introduction to High Current Beam Transport | George Caporaso and Yu-Jiuan Chen | |
1995 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Introduction to Linear Accelerators | Thomas Wangler and James Billen | |
1995 January | Safety, Radiation Management, and Machine Protection | Introduction to Radiation Physics | J. Donald Cossairt and Nancy Grossman | |
1995 January | RF Technology | Introduction to RF Systems | David McGinnis and Robert Webber | |
1995 January | Magnetic / Electric Optics and Undulators / Wigglers | Magnetic Systems | Klaus Halbach, Ross Schlueter and Jack Tanabe | |
1995 January | Computational Modeling and Mathematical Methods | Numerical Methods for Charged Particle Beams | Stanley Humphries Jr. and John Petillo | |
1994 June | Diagnostics and Controls | Accelerator Instrumentation and Beam Measurement Laboratory | Jacob Flanz, Gerald Jackson and S.Y. Lee | |
1994 June | Computational Modeling and Mathematical Methods | Computations in Accelerator Physics | Richard Cooper and Robert Ryne | |
1994 June | Accelerator Fundamentals | Introduction to Accelerator Physics | Helmut Wiedemann and Michiko Minty | |
1994 June | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Introduction to Beam Instabilities | Ronald Ruth and Scott Berg | |
1994 June | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Introduction to Theory and Design of Charged Particle Beams | Martin Reiser and Jian Wang | |
1994 January | Diagnostics and Controls | Accelerator Control: The Senses, Brain & Nervous System of an Accelerator | Thomas Himel | |
1994 January | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Design of High Energy Accelerators | Michael Syphers | |
1994 January | Beam Sources | Electron Sources | James Rosenzweig and Spencer Hartman | |
1994 January | Diagnostics and Controls | Experimental Techniques for Electron Accelerators | John Seeman and Ian Hsu | |
1994 January | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Intense Particle Beam Accelerators | Stanley Humphries Jr., Larald Moreland and Samir Dutt | |
1994 January | Accelerator Fundamentals | Introduction to Accelerator Physics | Wu-Tsung Weng and Sateesh Mane | |
1994 January | Magnetic / Electric Optics and Undulators / Wigglers | Magnetic Measurements | Arnaud Devred and Robert Schermer | |
1994 January | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Nonlinear Accelerator Physics | Alexander Chao and Yiton Yan | |
1994 January | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Pulsed Beams | Craig Olson | |
1994 January | Synchrotron / EM Radiation, FELS | Radiation from Relativistic Electron Beams | Claudio Pellegrini | |
1994 January | RF Technology | Radio Frequency Systems | Stefan Simrock and Lia Merminga | |
1993 June | Diagnostics and Controls | Accelerator Instrumentation and Beam Measurement Laboratory | Jacob Flanz, Gerald Jackson and Robert Siemann | |
1993 June | Computational Modeling and Mathematical Methods | Computations in Accelerator Physics | Robert Ryne and Kwok Ko | |
1993 June | Accelerator Fundamentals | Introduction to Accelerator Physics | Edmund Wilson and Leonid Rivkin | |
1993 June | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Introduction to Modern Dynamics | Leo Michelotti | |
1993 June | Accelerator Systems / Design | Introduction to Radiofrequency Linacs | Thomas Wangler and James Billen | |
1993 June | Synchrotron / EM Radiation, FELS | Physics of Coherent Radiation From Free Electrons | Jonathan Wurtele and David Whittum | |
1993 January | Computational Modeling and Mathematical Methods | Computer Methods in Particle Tracking | Martin Berz | |
1993 January | Computational Modeling and Mathematical Methods | Electromagnetic Fields and Their Computation | Richard Ziolkowski and Andreas Cangellaris | |
1993 January | Diagnostics and Controls | Experimental Methods | Stephen Holmes and Gerald Jackson | |
1993 January | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Introduction to High Current Beam Transport | George Caporaso and Yu-Jiuan Chen | |
1993 January | RF Technology | Introduction to RF Systems in Accelerators | Shane Koscielniak and Richard Baartman | Materials |
1993 January | Synchrotron / EM Radiation, FELS | Introduction to Strong Field Radiation | Pisin Chen | |
1993 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Introduction to Synchrotron Radiation Sources | James Murphy and James Safranek | |
1993 January | Magnetic / Electric Optics and Undulators / Wigglers | Magnetic Systems | Klaus Halbach and Ross Schlueter | |
1993 January | RF Technology | Superconducting RF | H. Alan Schwettman | |
1993 January | Safety, Radiation Management, and Machine Protection | Topics in Radiation Damage | A. Lincoln Read, J. Donald Cossairt, C. Lewis Snead and Vasken Hagopian | |
1992 June | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Applied Hamiltonian Dynamics | Keith R. Symon | |
1992 June | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Charged Particle Optics | Karl Brown and Roger Servranckx | |
1992 June | Management | Management at National Laboratories | James Coleman, W.K.H. Panofsky, William Wallenmeyer, Wu-Tsung Weng and A. Lincoln Read | |
1992 June | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Physics of Beam Instabilities in Accelerators | Alexander Chao and Bo Chen | |
1992 June | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Physics of Particle Accelerators | Donald Edwards and Michael Syphers | |
1992 June | Diagnostics and Controls | Topics in Experimental Accelerator Physics | Robert Siemann and Michiko Minty | |
1992 January | Computational Modeling and Mathematical Methods | Accelerator Modelling | Richard Talman and George Bourianoff | |
1992 January | Diagnostics and Controls | Experimental Techniques for High Energy Electron Accelerators | John Seeman | |
1992 January | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Intense Charged Particle Beams | Ronald Davidson | |
1992 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Introduction to Linear Accelerators | Thomas Wangler and James Billen | |
1992 January | Computational Modeling and Mathematical Methods | Numerical Methods, Maxwell and Newton | Richard Cooper | |
1992 January | Accelerator Systems / Design | Optical Systems for Synchrotron Light Beams | Malcolm Howells | |
1992 January | Beam Sources | Physics and Technology of Ion Sources | Ian Brown | |
1992 January | RF Technology | RF Systems for Electron Linacs and Storage Rings | Perry Wilson | |
1992 January | Magnetic / Electric Optics and Undulators / Wigglers | Superconducting Magnets | Arnaud Devred | |
1992 January | RF Technology | Superconducting Materials | David Larbalestier and William Warnes | |
1991 | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Charged Particle Optics | Karl Brown and Roger Servranckx | |
1991 | Diagnostics and Controls | Experimental Methods in Accelerator Physics | Stephen Holmes and Gerald Jackson | |
1991 | Accelerator Fundamentals | Introduction to Accelerator Physics | Swapan Chattopadhyay | |
1991 | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Nonlinear Dynamics in Particle Accelerators | Ronald Ruth | |
1991 | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Relativistic Electronics | Wesley Lawson | |
1990 | Accelerator Fundamentals | Introduction to Accelerator Physics | Donald Edwards and Michael Syphers | |
1990 | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Introduction to Beam Instabilities | Alexander Chao and Miguel Furman | |
1990 | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Introduction to Charged Particle Beams | Stanley Humphries Jr. | |
1990 | Synchrotron / EM Radiation, FELS | Introduction to Free Electron Lasers | Jonathan Wurtele | |
1990 | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Introduction to Modern Dynamics | Leo Michelotti | |
1989 | Accelerator Fundamentals | Introduction to Accelerator Physics | Helmut Wiedemann | |
1989 | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Introduction to Beam Instabilities | Alexander Chao | |
1989 | Synchrotron / EM Radiation, FELS | Introduction to Free Electron Lasers | William Colson | |
1989 | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Principles of Acceleration | Robert Palmer | |
1989 | Collective Effects, Space-Charge, and Laser-Plasma Acceleration | Theory and Design of Particle Beams | Martin Reiser | |
1988 | Synchrotron / EM Radiation, FELS | Introduction to Free Electron Lasers | Charles Brau | |
1988 | Synchrotron / EM Radiation, FELS | Introduction to Synchrotron Radiation Sources | Claudio Pellegrini and James Murphy | |
1988 | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Physics of Particle Accelerators | Donald Edwards and Michael Syphers | |
1988 | Accelerator Systems / Design | Theory, Simulation and Observation of Beams in Storage Rings | Robert Siemann | |
1987 | Accelerator Systems / Design | High Energy Storage Rings | Richard Talman | |
1987 | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Particle Beams: Acceleration | Perry Wilson | |
1987 | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Particle Beams: Magnetic Optics | Karl Brown | |
1987 | Accelerator and Beam Physics | Relativistic Electronics | Victor Granatstein |