U.S. Particle Accelerator School
U.S. Particle Accelerator School
America's National School of Accelerator Science and Technology

University of California, Santa Cruz (2010)

USPAS sponsored by the University of California, Santa Cruz
held in San Francisco, CA
January 18-29, 2010

Session Photos

January 18-29, 2010 two-week full courses

Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab (undergraduate level)
Fernando Sannibale, Soren Prestemon and David Robin, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab

Accelerator Physics
Joseph Bisognano, SRC and the University of Wisconsin - Madison

Microwave Measurements and Beam Instrumentation Laboratory -- this class is limited to 21 students
Ralph Pasquinelli and David McGinnis, Fermilab

January 18-22, 2010 one-week half courses

Intermediate Accelerator Physics and Beam Measurements
Michiko Minty, Brookhaven National Lab and Frank Zimmermann, CERN

Accelerator Power Electronics Engineering
Paul Bellomo and Jim Sebek, SLAC

Radiation Detection and Imaging for Medicine and Homeland Security
Tom Budinger, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab and the University of California, Berkeley

Beam Diagnostics Using Synchrotron Radiation: Theory and Practice -- this class is limited to 20 students
Jeff Corbett and Alan Fisher, SLAC; Walter Mok, Ret. and Weixing Cheng, Brookhaven National Lab

Project Management for Scientists and Engineers
Kem Robinson, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab and Andrew Hutton, Jefferson Lab

January 25-29, 2010 one-week half courses

Physics and Technology of Cyclotrons and FFAGs
Michael Craddock, University of British Columbia and TRIUMF

Radiation Physics, Regulation and Management
Don Cossairt, Fermilab and Vaclav Vylet, Jefferson Lab

Fundamentals of Timing and Synchronization with Applications to Accelerators -- this class is limited to 15 students
Russell Wilcox, Lawrence Berkeley National Lab and John Fox, SLAC/Stanford University

Synchrotron Radiation Instrumentation and Applications
Fulvio Parmigiani, University of Trieste and Sincrotrone Trieste