USPAS sponsored by the University of California San Diego
held in San Diego, California
January 15-26, 1996
January 15-26, 1996 two-week full courses
Introduction to Particle-Beam Physics
Richard Cooper and Claudio Pellegrini, UCLA and Robert Ryne, Los Alamos National Laboratory
Introduction to Accelerator Optics (undergraduate)
Karl Brown, SLAC; David Carey, Fermilab and George Gillespie, G. H. Gillespie Associates, Inc.
Introduction to Pulsed-Power High-Current Beams and Their Applications
Stanley Humphries, Jr., University of New Mexico and Craig Olson, Sandia National
Management of Scientific Laboratories
Christian Roche, Claude Geles and Gilles Lindecker, CERN
January 15-19, 1996 one-week half courses
Fundamentals of Beam Experiments
John Seeman and Alan Fisher, SLAC
Free Electron Lasers
John Madey, Duke University
Introduction to RF Systems in Accelerators
Shane Koscielniak, TRIUMF and Mikhail D'yachkov, University of British Columbia
January 22-26, 1996 one-week half courses
RF Superconductivity
Hasan Padamsee and Thomas Hays, Cornell University
Optical Systems for Synchrotron Light Beam Lines
Malcolm Howells and Stephen Lindaas, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory
Microwave Measurements Laboratory
Walter Barry, John Corlett and Glen Lambertson, Lawrence Berkeley National Laboratory