course given by Yuri Batygin, Sergey Kurennoy, Salvador Sosa Guitron and Sebastian Szustkowski, Los Alamos National Laborator; Vyacheslav Yakovlev, Fermilab
Lecture 1.1 - Basics of Beam Acceleration
Lecture 1.2 - Basics of Beam Acceleration
Lecture 2. - Introduction to Accelerating Structures
Lecture 3 - Basics of Beam Focusing
Lecture 4 - Focusing of Intense Beams
Lecture 5 - Beam Focusing in Axial-Symmetric Field
Lecture 6 - Acceleration of Intense Beam in RF Linacs
Lecture 7 - RFQ
Lecture 8 - Low-Medium-High Energy Beam Transports (LEBT-MEBT-HEBT)
Lecture 9.1 - Emittance Growth, Halo Formation, and Beam Loss
Lecture 9.2 - Emittance Growth, Halo Formation, and Beam Loss
Lecture 9.3 - Emittance Growth, Halo Formation, and Beam Loss
Lecture 10 - RF Linacs: Cavities, Structures, EM Design
Lecture 11 - RF Cavities for Accelerators
Lecture 12 - Periodic Structures, Standing-Wave Cavities
Lecutre 13 - Multi-Cell and Low-Beta SRF Cavities
Lecture 14 - Cavity Design. Linac Architecture