Intense Pulsed Electron and Ion Beams
David Hammer, Cornell University and Edl Schamiloglu, University of New Mexico
This course will cover the theory, experiment and technology of intense relativistic electron beams and high current ion beams. About two-thirds of the lecture hours will be devoted to the fundamentals of the subject of intense beams and will be given in conjunction with course notes and a text book. The remaining one-third of the lecture hours will be concerned with current research topics. Accompanying notes will be recent reprints/preprints or, in some cases, informal notes. The technology of intense beam generation will be discussed with an eye to understanding its capabilities and limitations. The goal is to provide understanding rather than guidelines for building pulsed power generators. Theoretical models discussed will be idealized at first, and then modified as needed to be applied to specific laboratory experiments. This course will be presented at a level suitable for graduate students and professional scientists who have had standard upper-level undergraduate or beginning graduate student physics courses. In particular, students should be conversant with the concepts of electrodynamics and classical mechanics, and the mathematical tools typically associated with those subjects. Familiarity with the simpler aspects of plasma physics and with the use of particle distribution functions will be beneficial but not a requirement.