U.S. Particle Accelerator School
U.S. Particle Accelerator School
America's National School of Accelerator Science and Technology

Applied Electromagnetism: Magnet and RF Cavity Design


Northern Illinois University and UT-Battelle

Course Name:

Applied Electromagnetism: Magnet and RF Cavity Design


Jeremiah Holzbauer, Karie Badgley and Paolo Berrutti, Fermilab

Purpose and Audience
This course will focus on the theory and design of two main components of typical accelerators: magnets for beam focusing, bending, and correction and RF cavities for beam acceleration. The class will be structured to give an understanding of the underlying electromagnetics as well as the practical demands of component design. While this class is not intended to be a software tutorial, modeling software will be used extensively to give students a hands-on experience with the process of designing these accelerator components. This course is suitable for graduate students, and early-career scientists, engineers, and technicians specializing in accelerator science and technology. 

It is strongly recommended that students applying for this course be familiar with classical electromagnetism and classical mechanics at the graduate level. While this class will not require extensive derivation, students who do not have this background will likely find the material challenging because of the more open-ended nature of the labs, homework, and final project. 

It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that they meet the course prerequisites or have equivalent experience.

The objective of this course is to provide students with both theoretical and practical knowledge of magnet and RF cavity design. Upon completing this course, students will have been exposed to the mathematical underpinnings and the process of designing these components with the goal of preparing them for similar work in their future careers in academia, national laboratories, or industry.

Instructional Method
This class will consist of a series of classroom lectures during the mornings with afternoons reserved for computer exercises. During the first week, the afternoons will consist of guided computer tutorials which will introduce students to basic design simulation tools and methods. Daily problem sets will be assigned during the first week, and will be due the following morning. The afternoon sections of the second week will be dedicated to the development of the students' design projects, the results of which will be presented on the final day of class. Both instructors will be available during the evenings to assist students with homework and projects. 

Course Content
This class will apply basic magnet and cavity theory to real-world component design using modern simulation programs including: CST-Microwave Studio and FEMM. Magnet and cavity theory presented will provide a rigorous foundation for this work. Component choices appropriate for a broad range of applications will be discussed at length, as well as scaling and optimization schemes for design refinement. Both simulation theory and problem specification in various codes will be presented and put to use in a series of guided simulation assignments to expose all students to a variety of design procedures. Each student will additionally complete and present a major design project selected from a provided list. Example projects include design of quarter-wave, half-wave, spoke, and elliptical cavity resonators as well as dipole, quadrupole, sextupole, and combined-function magnets.

Reading Requirements
(to be provided by the USPAS)   J. Tanabe – “Iron Dominated Electromagnets: Design, Fabrication, Assembly and Measurements” - World Scientific Pub Co Inc – 2005 – ISBN: 981256327X

Additional Suggested References
•    H. Padamsee, J. Knobloch, T. Hays – “RF Superconductivity for Accelerators” – Wiley VCH - 2008 - ISBN: 3527408428
•    J. D. Jackson – “Classical Electrodynamics” – Wiley 3rd edition – 1998 – ISBN: 047130932X
•    T. P. Wangler – “RF Linear Accelerators” - Wiley VCH – 2008 - ISBN: 3527406808

Credit Requirements
The course grade will be based on the graded homework sets and in-class labs (40%) and a final design project and presentation (60%).

Northern Illinois University course number: PHYSICS 790D - Special Topics in Physics - Beam Physics
Indiana University course number: Physics 571, Special Topics in Physics of Beams
Michigan State University course number: PHY 963, "U.S. Particle Accelerator School"
MIT course number: 8.790, Accelerator Physics