U.S. Particle Accelerator School
U.S. Particle Accelerator School
America's National School of Accelerator Science and Technology

Spin Dynamics in Particle Accelerators

Sponsoring University:

Stony Brook University

Course Name:

Spin Dynamics in Particle Accelerators
Lecture Timetable


Francois Meot, Haixin Huang and Vadim Ptitsyn, Brookhaven National Lab; Fanglei Lin, Jefferson Lab

Purpose and Audience
Polarization is a possible property of charged particle beams, which has been used and developed from the early times of particle accelerator developments. It is a property of paramount interest in future nuclear and high energy physics accelerator projects, as well as in several existing accelerator facilities. Polarization requires sophisticated beam and spin manipulations, from production to utilization, based on dedicated accelerator design rules and technological components. This course will introduce students to the dynamics of spin in charged particle accelerators, and to the accelerator components and spin manipulation techniques which enable and allow preserving beam polarization. The course is suitable for graduate students or upper division undergraduate students with an interest in this multi-disciplinary field, which includes the future electron-ion collider and high energy collider projects. The course is also appropriate for physicists or engineers working in accelerator-related fields who wish to familiarize themselves with spin dynamics concepts.

Upper division Electromagnetism, Classical Mechanics, and knowledge of Accelerators Science and Technology, at the level of USPAS Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab or USPAS graduate-level Accelerator Physics, including beam dynamics with synchrotron radiation, is required.

It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that they meet the course prerequisites or have equivalent experience.

This course is intended to introduce the students to the theory of spin dynamics in particle accelerators, and more generally to the transport and acceleration of polarized beams in particle accelerators. It will provide the students with the necessary knowledge to contribute to polarized beam projects at existing facilities, or in the framework of future collider projects. Spin dynamics is the backbone of the lectures, which also include a theoretical introduction to the various techniques for spin manipulation and the preservation of ion or electron beam polarization. The course includes an introduction to spin dynamics simulation methods and tools, including computer programs and practice.  The course material will provide the basic tools for the design of practical polarized beam accelerator components and structures, and will convey an understanding of the essential underlying physics of polarized beams.

Instructional Method
The course will offer a series of lectures during morning and early afternoon sessions, followed by afternoon tutoring and computer simulation sessions. Homework will be assigned each day and solutions will be collected the morning of the next day. Instructors will be available during evenings (7:30 – 9:00 pm) for technical and scientific assistance with home work and simulations.  

Tutoring will complement lectures with didactic exercises on spin dynamics and polarized beam theory. Computer sessions will introduce to spin dynamics simulation codes and techniques, with exercises taken from real-life polarized beam problems in accelerators.

Each student will be required to keep a ‘logbook’ during the simulation lab, to document their work.

Course Content
The course topics include: spin dynamics in particle accelerators; introduction to spin dynamics computer codes ; introduction to dedicated accelerator components such as spin rotators and snakes; accelerator methods to preserve polarization; electron beam polarization, effects of synchrotron radiation; spin matching; polarization in a multi-GeV recirculating linac. In order to complete the scope of polarized beam in accelerators, the class will be concluded (Friday morning) with an overview of polarized ion and electron sources as well as ion and electron beam polarimetry.

Reading Requirements
(To be provided by the USPAS)
S.Y. Lee, Spin Dynamics and Snakes in Synchrotrons (World Scientific, 1997).

Bryan W. Montague, Polarized Beams in High Energy Storage Rings, PHYSICS REPORTS (Review Section of Physics Letters) 113, No. 1 (1984) 1—96. North-Holland, Amsterdam

J. Buon and J.P. Koutchouk, Polarization of Electron and Proton Beams, Conf. Proc. C9309206 (1993) 879-939, CERN-SL-94-80-AP http://cds.cern.ch/record/269521/files/p879.pdf

Credit Requirements
Students will be evaluated based on performance: homework assignments (40% grade), simulation laboratory logbook (40% grade), participation (20% grade).

Stony Brook University course number:
Indiana University course number: Physics 671 Advanced Topics in Physics of Beams
Michigan State University course number: PHY 963 
MIT course number: 8.790 Accelerator Physics