U.S. Particle Accelerator School
U.S. Particle Accelerator School
America's National School of Accelerator Science and Technology

Collider Interaction Regions for High Energy and Nuclear Physics Applications

Sponsoring University:

Michigan State University

Course Name:

Collider Interaction Regions for High Energy and Nuclear Physics Applications
This class is full.


Michael Sullivan, SLAC; Yulia Furletova, Jefferson Lab; Dali Georgobiani, Fermilab; Nikolai Mokhov, Fermilab

Purpose and Audience
The purpose of this course is to introduce students to the physics, design, technology and operational experience of the Beam Delivery System (BDS), Interaction Region (IR) and Machine-Detector Interface (MDI) of pp, proton-antiproton, Heavy Ion, e+e-, electron-ion and μ+μ- colliders for both high-energy and nuclear physics applications. This course is suitable both for senior undergraduate students and graduate students from science and engineering who considering a career in accelerator science and technology. This course also can provide a broader background to scientists and engineers already working on accelerator science and technology.

Courses in classical mechanics, electrodynamics, special relativity, and mathematical methods for scientists and engineers, all at a senior undergraduate level or higher are required; and the USPAS course Fundamentals of Accelerator Physics and Technology with Simulations and Measurements Lab or equivalent familiarity with accelerator science and technology at the undergraduate or graduate level is strongly recommended. Prospective students are encouraged to also attend the USPAS class “Colliders for High Energy and Nuclear Physics” given during the first week of this session.

It is the responsibility of the student to ensure that they meet the course prerequisites or have equivalent experience.

This course will focus on the fundamental principles and technologies of high-energy linear and circular colliders affecting the BDS, IR and MDI design. Factors determining the background conditions on the particle detectors and the ways to mitigate those for specific features and conditions for a broad variety of colliders will be covered. On completion of this course, students are expected to understand the basic functions and design criteria for BDS, IR and MDI; including requirements of the particle detectors.

Instructional Method
This course includes a series of lectures during morning sessions, followed by afternoon homework recitation and laboratory sessions. The laboratory sessions will introduce students to computer simulations of beam delivery and final focus beam optics, beam-beam effects and particle-matter interactions in machine and detector components. The course will be strongly interactive and participants will be encouraged to participate in the ‘round-table’ discussions on the topics presented. Students will write a report on a subset of the lab studies. The course will also include daily problem sets to be solved in the afternoon and in evening homework sessions where the instructors and teaching assistant will be available.

Course Content
Introductory material will include discussions of fundamental issues affecting BDS/IR/MDI design, sources of background in the IR, and the ways to mitigate short-term and long-term particle loads on the IR and collider detector components. Examples and status of modern accelerator facilities and projects will be discussed. Examples will be taken from past, present, and planned facilities in high energy and nuclear physics.

Reading Requirements
Course notes provided by the instructors will be the main resource.

Students wishing to prepare in advance are encouraged to review “Beam-Material Interactions” from the lectures given by N.V. Mokhov and F. Cerutti at the 2014 Joint International Accelerator School on "Beam Loss and Accelerator Protection".

Additionally, students can benefit from reviewing materials in the prior version of this course given in 2011: https://uspas.fnal.gov/materials/11ODU/ODU-Particle-Collider.shtml. The present course will significantly update materials and also cover issues related to electron-ion colliders such as the EIC.

Credit Requirements
Students will be evaluated based on the following performances: Homework assignments (50% course grade), Final exam (50% course grade).

USPAS Computer Requirements
There will be no Computer Lab and all participants are required to bring their own portable computer to access online course notes and computer resources. This can be a laptop or a tablet with a sufficiently large screen and keyboard. Windows, Mac, and Linux-based systems that are wifi capable and have a standard web browser and mouse are all acceptable. You should have privileges for software installs. If you are unable to bring a computer, please contact uspas@fnal.gov ASAP to request a laptop loan. Very limited IT support and spare loaner laptops will be available during the session.

Michigan State University course number:  PHY 905 Special Problems, Section 803 Collider Interaction Regions for High Energy and Nuclear Physics Applications
Indiana University course number: Physics 671, Advanced Topics in Accelerator Physics
MIT course number: 8.790, "Accelerator Physics"