U.S. Particle Accelerator School
U.S. Particle Accelerator School
America's National School of Accelerator Science and Technology

Online Resources

The searchable table below contains links to accelerator science and engineering tutorial materials and other online resources. Materials linked provide background, help, and augmentations for USPAS courses and accelerator science and engineering more broadly. The collection includes videos, documents, demo simulations, short and full courses (including some based on USPAS classes) and more that are collected from a variety of sources. The USPAS is not involved in the production of, or in control of, many of these materials. The links are being provided as a community service and the USPAS is not responsible for the contents contained. Please forward any suggestions for additional contributions.

The materials are organized under three main categories

  1. Underlying Principles: Covering background science and engineering.
  2. Accelerator Basics: Broader introductions assuming little or no prior topical familiarity.
  3. Specialty Topics: Focused topics presented at a variety of levels.

and are searchable by course subject, material type, title and author.

Note: use AND or && to search multiple terms. ex: "harms AND syphers" (No quotes)

Specialty Topics Course Magnetic / Electric Optics and Undulators / Wigglers Superconducting Accelerator Magnets Ezio Todesco Link
Accelerator BasicsCourseAccelerator FundamentalsAccelerator FundamentalsEric PrebysLink