The USPAS prize honors individuals by recognizing their outstanding achievements over the full range of accelerator science and technology. The prizes are awarded every three years to three individuals. One of the prizes will be awarded to an “early-achievement” of a scientist or engineer made within 15 years of their last degree, and the other two prizes will be awarded in the "general" category. The prizes are awarded on a competitive basis.
The USPAS Director appoints the Prize Committee Chair who in turn appoints their committee members who select the recipients from nominations received.
You may submit nominations by email to the USPAS Office.
Nominations should include the name, institution and CV of the nominee, a description of accomplishments with supporting documents and suggested award citation, and up to three letters of support in addition to the nominating letter. Nominating letters may have multiple signatures.
Nominees are evaluated in these categories:
Nominations are kept for 2 prize cycles. Expired nominations may be renewed at the discretion of the nominator. Early achievement nominations where the nominee advances beyond 15 years of their last degree will be evaluated in the general category.
More details can be found here on the USPAS website: USPAS Prize.